Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve

I am still rubbing my eyes, hardly believing that Christmas is upon us.

Over the past months, I've had times of thinking Christmas had come and gone because it seems I'd been mentally preparing for it for so long.

And now it is here.

I've finished the boys' gifts. Nick likes Mikes and Mike likes Nick's so I am feeling good about giving them. Teenage boys and handmades, at least things I can make with my two hands, are no easy feat but I'm feeling pretty optimistic.

The gifts for my parents were mailed Monday; again feeling fairly good about them.

So I think we're ready.

The Sunday after Christmas, I'm having a little SoulCollage get-together, mini-workshop here at the apartment. I've already begun to panic about it. lol

You've seen my kitchen. It isn't exactly the perfect spot for this sort of thing but I am trusting that it will be ok.

A woman called me last weekend after finding me through the site. She lives a couple of hours away and has some free time and wanted to meet with me sometime during that free time. So I made a couple of phone calls and put a small group together.

That was the easy part. Now I lay awake at night explaining soulcollage to myself in the hopes that I will find something to share that will make the gathering worthwhile for everyone.

The workshop that is planned for January 29th at the home of my new friend around the block has grown. It started out at maybe 6-8 and now we're talking about doubling it. It's exciting and a little scary. Why would someone with a fear of public speaking want to be a facilitator anyway?

I need to put public speaking on my vision board, huh? Maybe a pic of our president-elect? I love his style of speaking; eloquent yet personable.

After the holidays, I'm going to look for a job. I've laid out all of our finances and realized that we are in good shape and with a little boost we can get a little ahead. I don't mind working with a goal like that! I'm thinking I may apply to be a barista at Starbucks. I loved my coffee shop job several years ago and was, well, a little competitive when it came to Cappucchino foam.

There's also a very cool little coffee shop called the Mojo Cafe where I may apply.

I thought about going back to Stein Mart but every time I really consider it, I get palpitations. I just can't do it. I actually called my old boss and it looks like they have everyone they need anyway. I was really relieved about that. I guess that should have told me something.

Is anyone still reading this?

I don't know why I'm just rambling around.

Do you know what my 16 year old did yesterday? Sheesh. He went to the beach without any permission from his mother. I'm talking a 6 hour drive. I let him go to a friend's house. Friend picked him up at an ungodly hour and took him to the beach. I didn't find out until I called to say, "get your hiney home" and he said, "I have a story for you...more like an adventure." So when he got home, he presented me with seashells. Am I a terrible mother for not beating him soundly and putting him to bed? "Next time you need to call and tell, ask...I meant ASK! me."

Some time today both boys will go with their dad and stepmom to celebrate Christmas Eve.

Patrick and I have been invited to stop in down the street at my dear Mary's house for a little Christmas Eve Open House.

Tomorrow night, we and the boys have been invited next door for Christmas dinner.

The past two Christmas seasons have been so wonderful. Magical! I used to dream of such days and I am relishing every moment of them.

Despite my ramblings here, I am feeling very peaceful and content. The days have had a nice feel to them. Quietly working on Christmas gifts for friends and family. Doing my Roanoke Suddenvalues work; even getting in a last minute request from one of our merchants and coming through with just a little creative thinking.

The apartment isn't perfect. There are dishes in the sink that need washed. There is laundry in the dryer that needs folded. There are gifts that need wrapped. Hey, it's just Christmas Eve!

And there is art calling to me that needs to be made.

I wonder which will get my attention first?

Your guess is as good as mine.

I wish you a magical Christmas time.

To my friends who are missing loved ones this holiday, I wish you a healing presence.

Know that I pause and think of you often throughout my day.

My heart is full.

I have been made aware this year, as never before, how the different "religious" observances of this season all have a common thread of Light.

The Light is here.

May it shine brightly upon you and through you; now and always.

Much love,


Anonymous said...

Much love back at you and yours. Hope you have a glorious holiday. Don't worry about the Soul Collage get together. It will come from your heart and be great. Love Hugs and Blessings Ninnie

Tinker said...

Your SoulCollage project day sounds wonderful to me. Wishing you a warm and magical Christmas time, Lisa! (Hugs)

Claire said...

yuletide blessings, dear lisa xxx

Sue Seibert said...

Merry Christmas, Lisa, and I've got to know...what did you make your teenage boys. I have teenage grandsons, and I want to think about next Christmas!!

gma said...

This was a beautiful post! Merry Christmas to you and all of yours.
Beach adventures when Mom doesn't know...sounds like fun!
Hope you have fun tonight!

Janet said...

I love reading this post....rambling or not, it shows that you're happy and content and enjoying the holidays. That's what it's all about.

Your soulcollage get-together will be such fun. Just talk to them like you talk to us and everyone will love you!

Merry Christmas!!!

J C said...
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Nadya said...

Didn't Christmas come quickly? & now it's (almost) done, . . . Once my son wanted to visit friends that lived ~ half hour (by car) away - & we couldn't. Later that day, realized we hadn't seen him for awhile - he'd ridden his bike! & got a flat tire, so had to walk the end of it - think he was closer to 10 (Determined guy - & in his mid 30s now) . . . OF COURSE we told him he 'shouldn't have' gone off without telling (ASKING us) . . . I think he'd just gotten there when we called - & had to go pick him up!
It's an - interesting balance, to foster independence, & encourage communication. Now he is a sprinkler fitter - fire safety, & does more 'service' than installation - was the youngest person they'd trained in that, because of his ability to trouble shoot & think outside the box!

Wish I could come to that SC gathering - sounds like so much fun :) You'll do great!!

Blessings from SNOWY Oregon

Lisa said...

Thank you all so much! Your words mean a lot to me. I think about them throughout the day.