Friday, December 19, 2008

Some gifts and an Altar

Earlier this week, I had a quiet day of just doing what I wanted. I've been saving this piece of cardboard for a while and decided to paint and collage on it. I'm calling it an altar for now because I can't think of a more appropriate term. It's just a way of creating a little sacred space.

Here's a closeup of the central figure. I found them in National Geographic. She's actually almost lying on the ground but when cut out of its context and placed upright, it almost gives a Mary and Jesus effect, I think.

I've also been busy creating gifts for friends and family this week.
This is a bookmark I made for my stepfather, Gary. He is a minister. I made this one rather long so he could use it in his reference books or Bible.

I hope Justyn isn't reading this. :) She loves Starbucks and I made this little cup wrap for her. I made a doll a while back with this fuzzy purple yarn on it and she loved it so I added some to this. I like the color combination. I'm not sure it will fit a Starbucks cup but it does fit one of our glasses perfectly, so I was thinking she could also use it on a candle glass or something. She loves candles.
This weekend Patrick and I are going to work on a special gift for Justyn and Jason.

Today I plan to work on a gift for my brother, Tony. Mom's and Gary's are done and I want to get them in the mail soon.

This was a gift from our neighbor, Jan. She showed up in her apron the other day to bring these to us.
Oh man, they were good! She called them waffles. Very thin, crispy and light; sort of like funnel cake.

We are so blessed with great neighbors. I feel so abundantly blessed this Christmas.

I've also uploaded some cards from my SoulCollage reading this week. The cards with the I Am One Who statements are over on my SoulCollage blog.

I lay in bed last night with tears streaming down my face, so grateful for my life.

It is so rich.
I am surrounded by love.
I am blessed.

I used to fantasize about dancing with Patrick. Now we dance all the time.
Last night I was looking at a blog and her playlist loaded. The first song was Van Morrison's "Someone Like You."
I called up the steps to my dear Patrick and said, "I need to dance."
He dropped what he was doing and came to the kitchen to dance with me.

Fantasize, visualize.
It works.

Last night we decided to forego television and do our own quiet things for a while.
Then we watched CSI
When it went off, he said "now I have a surprise for you."
He turned the channel and there was Faith Hill on SoundStage singing her Christmas album.
It was perfect and beautiful.

See why I love him?

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.
Oh, and thanks for the help with our website!
I really appreciate you taking time out to check for me.


Janet said...

You are such a generous, giving person. I never come here that you aren't showing something you've made for someone else. I'm sure your gifts are always appreciated because they come with love.

Those waffles look delicious! I hope you and your family have the best holidays ever.

Melissa said...

lovely colors for the altar...

beautiful bookmark.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful alter and the gifts you made are lovely! You are a very loved and lucky woman! Sending many hugs and wishes for you to have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

SympleTymes Cloth Art By Sherrie Nordgren said...
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SympleTymes Cloth Art By Sherrie Nordgren said...

Lisa what is there not to love about you! Your love for others shows in every thing you create, Even in your writing..
Your so giving and so loving of others!
I for one am proud to call you my friend!
Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Very Blessed New Year my friend Lisa,
Hugs Sherrie

Lisa said...

Thank you each for your kind words. They mean the world to me.

Anonymous said...

I like the bookmark, very pretty. And I rather like the look of the CS Lewis book it's sitting on. Something to buy myself with some Christmas money that's just come in?

Anyway, Happy Christmas Lisa and a beautiful New Year.
