Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I didn't get my mail yesterday so I went out early this morning to get it and look what I got! Thank you so much Debbie. This was such a sweet surprise this morning. I was just admiring your tissue holders in your shop this week and I am thrilled to have that pin cushion. Goodness, it's all wonderful (pssst..look at that chocolate!). I love the little notebook and the Laura Ashley post-its and the awesome tags on every thing. Oh, and the vintage notecard. I don't know if you can see it behind the pin cushion. I just love it all.

I will say a special prayer of thanksgiving for you today, Debbie and your warm thoughtfulness.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Ours is starting out nice and quiet with no stress. :) My kind of day.


Kitty Couture said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear Lisa! How special to open that wonderful box of goodies *just today*!

Anonymous said...

Looks just lovely, what a wonderful suprise :) Happy Thanksgiving!

Dawn said...

Debbie is the sweetest...
Hope you enjoy a very special day!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

what lovely treasures!! Happy Thanksgiving Lisa, quiet with no stress is the perfect day!!!

Anonymous said...

ahh perfect * no stress! that is so important - I guess it is nearly over for you so I do hope it remained stress free and that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. And I hope you ate some turkey for me as we don't celebrate xoxo

Lisa said...

Isabelle, Thank you! yes, very special. Hugs back to you, my friend.

Sarah, thank you. It really was. :)

Dawn, welcome. It's nice to see you here. She really is! Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Lisa, Amen! Happy Thanksgiving.

Robyn, It really did stay that way..a great day. I was so happy to hear that it's raining there. Yay!

(Angie) Norththreads: said...

how fun & Happy Thanksgiving!!