Thursday, April 12, 2007


SoulCollage Card
Originally uploaded by GroggyFroggy.
I just finished this SoulCollage card. I worked on the top image last night but just couldn't figure out what to do with it. Then tonight I found this girl praying. It stirs deep feelings for me (good ones) but I don't know how to express them with words. I will do that later and share it.

A Dark TimeATC

These other two are ATCs.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh they are wonderful!!!! I love them! Alot of times, I can't express my emotions in words either. That is when I turn to art. Great minds think alike! ;)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Lisa - both the SoulCollage card and the ATCs. That photo of the girl praying really is a very soul-stirring image.

Giggles said...

These are very deep....beautiful!

Hugs Sherrie

Melissa said...

Is it me or is your style shifting? Lovely...

Anonymous said...

The praying girl on the first picture is very lovely.

I'm a little disturbed by the clock in the second angel's head - and she looks haunted. Is it a picture of an icon?

I like the third angel one too.

Hugs my dear friend.

gma said...

Oh Lisa these are so stunning.... really have gotten to my heart with these.

JoyceAnn said...

Lisa , Your SoulCollage cards are great. They speak from the heart and you can feel it.
I've made 2 cards myself , one is a 4x4 and the other is a 5x8. I'm not sure which size I like best. What size are yours ? Thanks for inspiring me to try the SoulCollages.
Hope your weekend is wonderful.

altermyworld said...

Your cards are so inspiring, I come here almost every day and look at them, thank you for taking us on this soul journey.

Dot said...

Both the SoulCollage card and ATC's are wonderful Lisa.

I love the ' a dark time' ATC on the left. It is thoughtful and hopeful at the same time. Beatiful work.