Monday, January 08, 2007

Puppy Love

I just listed this in my shop.

It's a laminate sample from Home Depot with collage.


Anonymous said...

Cute puppy :)

Anonymous said...

Cool! I still have some of those laminate samples ! I am sitting here blogging and intermittently doing art! heh heh. it is rainy again!

Anonymous said...

He has that adorable pathetic puppy dog look - the reason why people bring them home when they didn't really think they wanted one!!

Julie H said...

Oh Lisa your doll is fantastic! I love that she is on her tummy - and the blues are just beautiful. Did you make her face?

As to the puppy - adorable. I was lucky enough to get a box of laminate samples for Christmas - and am so looking forward to making art on them.

Anonymous said...

The first anonymous is me...what has happened to new 'improved''s just told me my blog not found???? Sarah

Lisa said...

Sarah, he is pretty cute, isn't he? He was in a book I'd forgotten about called "Paint and Paper." They gave free wallpaper samples in the back.

Pam It took me forever to find those and then I was too chicken to take too many. Now I'm feeling brave and will have to go back. ha! I do the same thing..a little art.. a little blog...a little laundry. lol

lol Me!

Julie the laminate samples are so fun. Thank you so much for the comment on the doll. I made her face with paper clay and a mold.

Sarah, oops. Well, they'd better find it!

Anonymous said...

Ha blogger was just being weird last night I'm no longer Anonymous..