Patrick decided that the herbs needed a little trimming. They're growing like crazy!

This is from last week. I told you it was random. I made some muffins and did some stitching.

Below was a "ode to Dennis Hopper" margarita with fresh strawberries from the market.

And today! My son, Mike, kept telling me that he was still working on my Mother's Day present. Well, I had no idea that he was giving me my dream gift!!! He rebuilt an old bike he and his friend had and were planning to fix up for money. Instead, he decided to fix it up and give it to me. It has an awesome pearlescent paint job, gorgeous shiny fenders and Mike's favorite, a classic horn. I was sitting at the computer and I heard the horn and jumped. There he was standing in the door with a bike. My older son just fixed up a bike and I thought this was it. So I was like, "oh cool! Oh, is that Nick's?" He said, "It's yours!" LOL I was like a little kid at Christmas, jumping up and down and clapping my hands. "It's mine?!?!" I can't tell you how much I've been wanting a bike and to have one that he made (and is so gorgeous!) is just so amazing. I'm a happy mommy.

Thanks Michael! I love you.

Isn't he cute? hehe (haha after I posted, I blew up the pic of him to look at it and realized I caught him blowing the horn. Told you it was his favorite part.)
Cute family stories~ Your son is a doll and so is Patrick! Summer fun. I'll be looking for you on your bike this summer.
Thanks Cheryl. I'll blow my little horn if I see ya. lol
Lisa, that is SO sweet that your son fixed that bike up for your mother's day present!!! i love that story:) thanks for stopping over to visit with me!!!
He is so sweet to do that for you. It looks fab, you just need a basket to transport your findings. Love Hugs and Blessings
What a sweet son you have lisa - he did a great job of jazzing up the bike. It looks amazing, very authentic, you lucky girl!
bikes are so much fun!!
congrats on your blog award!
Awww how sweet!!
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your nice comments! OK...I LOVE the bike. My son is a competitive cyclist and we are so into bikes around here...vintage and new!! How sweet of your son to fix that bike up for you. Now we want to see a picture of you riding the bike!
Have a great day.
thats awesome! Have fun riding that beautiful bike :)
Looks like you had an awesome week! You have a terrific son, to rebuild a gorgeous bike for you. Those muffins look pretty good too. Have to say that margarita looks pretty tasty too. LOL Wishing you an enjoyable week!
What a sweet son--all that love put into your gift *sniff, mommy tears*!! I love your bike and hope you have a lot of fun riding it.
Smiles, Karen
What a great gift! And I love the color!!
Ah, those are the "paydays" for a parent. Paydays of the heart. That's what we call them, anyway, because we always joke about being underpaid as parents. Then one of the kids will do something unutterably sweet, and we just look at each other: "Payday!"
Made me smile today. Thanks.
Hello Lisa,
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, hope you get much stitching pleasure of my tiny gift.
And ooohhh what a beautiful needleroll you made there, I am in love hihi....
Have a nice weekend, love and hugs from Cindy - Holland
Lisa, this made my heart melt. What a heartfelt gift.
Yes, he is cute, and thoughtful too!!
Thanks for coming over to my blog and following. I love your stitchroll, and I want to learn more about growing herbs. After moving to this new area of Texas recently, I've found that they grow well in this awful black clay we have here! So maybe if I find out a little about them it would be even better.
Your son looooooooooves you! xoxo
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