Monday, January 12, 2009

Soul Explosion!!!

Things have just been getting better and better since my muse slapped me upside the head last week.

Today Barnes&Noble called to ask for references. I told them I wouldn't be taking the job.

That. Felt. So. Great!

Kate, my dear Glitter Sister, the very one who told me Seena was coming to the East Coast which resulted in me going to the SoulCollage facilitator training in Maryland, told me today about this amazing blogger, The Dancing Mermaid, who does art camps for kids or kids and moms!

Since then, my muse has gone into high gear thinking of all the possibilites.

I don't know why I didn't think of working with children in this way before.

I've always loved working with children. In grade school, there was a little girl younger than me who I'm thinking now must have had Autism. There weren't as many programs in schools back then and not as much information in the mainstream about things like that.

But I adored this little girl. I can see her face right now in my mind. I don't know how the teachers came to hook me up with her, but every day I got out of class to just hang out with her.

Hanging out always lead to the two of us running hand in hand around the softball field. It's the only time I saw her smile. She loved running more than anything. We would just run. She never spoke a single word to me, but I knew that she was happy in those moments.

At family reunions, I was always gathering the younger kids and keeping them busy so the adults could hang loose.

I taught Voice and Piano to children when Nick was 1.

I was a preschool music teacher and then a preschool teacher. It was the most fulfilling job I've ever had. I loved it!

When Nick and Mike were 11 and 7, and my boyfriend at the time had 11 year old twins, I used to put a large vinyl tablecloth in the middle of the floor and give them crazy things to paint, like toilet paper rolls, and they enjoyed it so much. Emily would paint everything else she could when the rolls were gone.

We also made candles and did all sorts of fun crafty things.

Both my boys are artists now!

Somehow as the kids got older, I forgot that I could go out and rent other kids to do these things with. LOL

It's time.

My heart is bursting. I'm not just excited (i AM excited) but I'm moved to tears thinking about it. I want to jump up and down and say yes, yes, yes! Yes Universe! Thank YOu!

And thank you to my friends online and local who are propelling me forward with your love and support.

It's an amazing and beautiful world.

So, in my plans are soulcollage parties and/or art journal parties with girls, girls and their moms and boys if they want, too.

Around Christmas time, I showed one of my pages to Mike (16) and he said, "Oh, I want to do that." So maybe teen guys and gals would do it, too. When the boys friends come over, they're always messing around with my art stuff, asking me what it's about or what I'm going to use it for.

The standard answer is always, "well, his mom is an artist." Like that explains away all the strangeness. LOL I guess it kind of does.

Ok. I could go on and on. My mind is whirling! But I will let you off the hook now. :)

Much love to you all.


Shell said...

Awesome. I love how the universe delivers what we need just when we need it.

Knit Witch said...

It truly is amazing what happens when you just "put it out there" to the universe!!! That's how Wayne and I ended up here in Blue Ridge running this crazy little business. We love every minute of it!!!!

Kate Robertson said...


I am so happy for you...


Claudia said...

Sounds wonderful!

Healing Expressions said...

HI Lisa...Your blog is such an inspirational burst of color! I have a little surprise for you over on my blog! Creative Blessings!

Linda said...

Congratulations-- you are going to be amazingly successful! What a great niche to fill.

I love how we keep getting those gentle pushes and finally we turn around and realize the answer has always been there... we just needed to listen. And everything you've done brought you to this moment. So exciting!

Gill said...

Hey you found me again! LOL
You are a busy goodness.
We attract in what we put out there...seems you are getting paid back a good way!!!

Lisa said...

Shell and Knitwitch, Isn't it amazing!

Thanks Kate!

Chest of Drawers, Thanks. I want it to be fun, fun, fun.

Lani, Oh my gosh! I am so happy! Thank you so much. I had a good feeling. I don't enter many giveaways but I just had a feeling and I love, love, love the stuff you're giving away. My stuff. hehe

YoLinna, That's what I keep saying...always been there. Love the persistence of the Universe.

So good to see you Gillian! Yay!

Sophie said...

Oh dear me! I can't believe I didn't tell you about the Dancing Mermaid! She's so inspiring! Thanks to her I also know that I want to teach kids about art journaling and messy art! I already have plans to invite 2 girls over during summer to "test drive" my ideas. I already work with them at school and they are great for feedback on what works and what doesn't. I guess we'll be following this path together dear friend!

Blog said...

YAY! That's AWESOME!!! I'm teaching yoga to kids. Kids these days need GOOD, spiritual people like us to guide them. They NEED it!I'm so happy for you! YAY!! ;) So exciting.

Anonymous said...

So wonderful! You are on your way!

turquoise cro said...

Woot!!! Go Lisa GO!!!

Gina said...

What a fabulous self-discovery! I can feel you oozing sheer happiness all over the place!