Week 2, Secret 2: Honoring Your Inspirations
Right before reading this chapter, I took down the Christmas tree. We were going to leave it up until Chinese New Year, January 26th but I felt the time had come yesterday.
After I took it down and reorganized everything, lovingly packing away the ornaments for next year, I rearranged some furniture.
I rented a great movie this week. "Because I Said So." I watched it 4 times just to see the apartment that one of the girls lived in.
I didn't want to copy the apartment but it had the same feel that I always crave in my space.
While studying it, I noticed that she had an old olive green colored stove. BUT she had orange walls surrounding it which made it seem hip and wonderful.
It was then that I was inspired to take what I had and make our space cozy and sacred.
If the set designers for that movie could do that with a 70s stove, surely I had enough creativity to work with what I have.
I have some green silk curtains that I bought for $2.00 a pair at the thrift store. (I bought the exact same curtains, same brand, same packaging, at TJMaxx for $16 last summer and thought I got a deal lol)
I took both curtains and layered them over a round table. (the one I pulled from the neighbor's trash this summer)
Then I took some sparkly garland that I had just removed from the Christmas tree and tied it around the top.
I added a lamp and an orange candle and WOW! It is my favorite corner in the house now.
I polished up all the furniture and vacuumed.
I couldn't wait for it to get dark so I could light the candles on the altar and just watch everything glow.
I realized how important it is for me to have sacred space like this.
Last night, I just sat in the dark and watched the candles flickr (um, a sure sign of too much interneting...that would be flicker, with an e); enjoying a quiet moment and breathing.
I felt I had been highly creative; a problem-solver even.
In this chapter, Gail McMeekin invites us to pay attention to what we pay attention to.
Realizing that I watched a movie 4 times just to see the set told me something about myself and my craving to have a nurturing space.
Setting up that table told me something about my ability to do what I want once I figure out what it is.
This week, I will pay more attention to the little things that attract my attention and the thoughts they inspire.
Love it! Love that you noticed olive green and orange together in a movie set, love that you watched the movie 4 times (that's alot!) and you noticed yourself so closely. Love what you did with the table (I always love a fellow thrift shopper btw, even tho we're competing for the same treasures) love that you felt called to take the tree down "right now" (when it's time, you just know it) love that you are now spelling flickr without the r.
Just fabulous, I grinned the whole was through this.
I love how you created a nook for yourself full of beauty and sacredness. Movies are a great source for designing. I love the beach house Diane Keaton has in Something's Gotta Give.
Lisa, I was surprised to see my name for the lovely award. Thank you, thank you. It means a lot to me. Words don't do justice for how I feel.
There are several movies I have bought and watched over and over because of the houses, or spaces.
How exciting that you took that, and created it in your life, in one magical corner which will nurture you daily. That is truly the definition of creative spark! WEEEE! :)
Pictures? Please? :)
It sounds so beautiful, Lisa. I love the idea of you creating this warm, glowy haven,and I wish I had been with you, watching the candles flicker.
I am smiling because I took my Christmas decorations down before reading the chapter. I also made some sacred spaces and I've been enjoying candle light every day.
I also don't wait until evening to light the candles. I light one at my kitchen table while I enjoy my morning coffee and write in my gratitude journal.
It is so cool to have this shared experience with you - I agree I too want to transform each nook and cranny into a sacred and loving space.
I look forward to hearing and seeing what you do.
Lisa, I loved your entry. I think I watched that movie just last week.
The idea of creating a sacred space that will nurture your creativity is wonderful. We all need that inspiration. Having an external setting will beckon the internal space, as well.
Thank you for visiting me.
Hugs to you.
I am going to follow your example tomorrow :-).
Woohoo! This is the kind of home creativity that's right up my alley and I just loved reading your story about the table and the curtains so much. Amazing how something like watching a movie can get us to see our space differently and play around a bit and now, everything is so much better.
What an inspiring post!
It reminded me that last night as I was on my way home, I wanted to stop by Hobby Lobby but there wasn't anything I needed. I just wanted to be inspired and realized I have tons of inspiration already in my home, just waiting for me to do something with it. So I came home.
I never ever liked the orange/olive green combinations back in the 60's and still don't, but for an instant there, you made me long to see your table. LOL! I do like greens now and surrounded myself with it in my living room.
Like the commenter ahead of me, I am hankering to DO something now!
I am so glad you went ahead and created your own little sacred space! I am loving the green/orange colour combination right now. Actually, my shirt has those colours on it and I love it! I can totally relate to watching movies over and over, though I am usually drawn to the story elements or the characters more than the sets.
I've had spaces in TV/movies move me too...LOL, must be why I'm such an HGTV addict. I loved that room also in 'Because I Said So' - wanted to sit there. There's an episode of Star Trek Next Generation (I think) that I can't miss the scene with an elderly couple with the MOST amazing round window in the background! LOL
Congrats on your ingenuity creating your special space.
Aha! You were being a sponge this week! Yippee for the desire to tae everything in and use it all to be creative!
Kim H
Don't ignore those little things -- many times they are the most important messages you'll receive.
Love olive green!
How very inspiring! I enjoyed reading how you created a beautiful sacred space for yourself.
I have been recreating my space too and I love how just by rearranging and coordinating I achieve something very different.
It is the little things that make life so precious.
Finding treasures at the right price or free ROCKS! Your corner sounds very cool! You are one of the most inspiring people I know!
Wow - I just stumbled upon your blog from Faeries Playground. I love this post. I love creating from nothing. I love second hand shops. Your corner sounds awesome!!!
Cool! You have inspired me! Isn't it great to make discoveries about yourself. Now i have to see that movie!
I went to the movie site and realized I have seen that film!
Love reading about your creative process and how this sacred space evolved for you. Very cool!
oh yes! a sacred space is so very fun and inviting, i LOVE how you noticed the little details... and are making a conscious choice this week to see the details in the everyday!!! it does indeed spiral into so many ideas and inspirations!!! yay yay yay!!!
peace and love to you!!!
It's so fantastic to see how this book club is getting us to reach out and grow. To finally reach within and create what we need around us. Your nurturing space sounds like it is perfect for what you need.
Wonderful post Froggy!!! :) Thanks for sharing it with us!!! Now I want to go to a thrift store!
lisa - you are remarkable. thank you for your comments on my blog - a shot of creative electricity! man, that made my weekend!! thanks! :) i checked you out earlier in a hurry and was drawn to your artistry and spunk and spirit like a magnet. i can't wait to explore more!!!
I love that movie too! I have been known to watch and rewatch movies just to see something i adore and I have no qualms about copying it.. because once you start to copy, you put your own slant on it anyhow and it becomes original.. just like you did. Enjoy that space.. one small space will lead to another and another..... xoxo
What a fantastic bit of practical creativity - one that gives your soul somewhere to breathe!
oh i am so intrigued, i will have to go hire the movie now!
fabulous how you took charge and whipped up a little magic at home too, and your description makes me want to run downstairs and light some candles! :)
How wonderful! Yay you for noticing! Yay you for making it happen! And how magnificent that you know have a glowing, sacred space.
I'm glowing just thinking about it :)
that is too funny! i would do just the same thing and watch it over and over and over until i saw what i liked. sounds like your new altar space is beautiful.
'Paying attention to what we pay attention to' - oh, that is good advice, indeed! Right now, this post is bring to my attention how I perked up just reading about your newly created, altarspace...thanks for the inspiration, Lisa!
And may you find much to attract and inspire you!
Hi Lisa I saw that movie and loved it too
Meant to say I have love your site very inspirational even found a site of a blogger Kiwi Stitching on your site .
She lives where I came from to Aus so think blogging makes it a very small world.
Love the new background you
created for your blog!
One of my brother's and I painted an orange kitchen in my Grandma's place back in the 70's. We painted each other too! LOL! To the walls we added some big navy blue flower stick ons.
I think the stove was white though.
I really like olive green in certain things.
Thanks so much for posting the Prayers for my Mom and the love.
God Bless You and Yours and Your
Creative Life!!!
I love how you were inspired in the everyday things and brought them to a sacred space. Pure magic hon....
Thanks so much, everyone, for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it more than I can tell you.
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