I was given this wonderful Friendship Award by my friend Sherrie!
Sherrie makes amazing dolls and I am the happy caretaker of two of them. My dear friend and Glitter Sister, Judie, secretly ordered one for me and Sherrie threw in an extra!
How lucky am I to have two such extraordinary women in my life?
It's a great example of what this award is all about.
"What this Friendship Award means:
This blog invests and believes in Proximity- nearness in space, time and relationships.
These blogs are exceedingly charming . These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends .
They are not interested in prize for self- aggrandizement!
Our hope is that when the ribbon of these prizes are cut ,even more friendships are propagated.
Please give more attention to these writers! You are suppose to pass this award on to 8 fellow bloggers, to include the above text in there blog. So with new and wonderful friends ships formed I have given it to this 8 fabulous ladies.Who have helped me in so many ways,
#1 being such a good friend to me ,and supporting and encouraging me no matter what!"
And with that, I'll share my 8!
1.Michelle Swan She is a constant source of inspiration and light.
2.Kate RobertsonKate is always helping me with information for my dreams. She is inspiring as I watch her set intentions and make them happen.
3.Alberta Oh how I love her comments on my collages. I can do no wrong. :) Her collages and her spirit are beautiful.
4. Pam My Glitter Sister who traveled across the country to live her gypsy life, inspiring all of us to live our dreams.
5. Sweet Annie A soft place to land. She is full of encouragement and peace. A winning combination.
6. Kathleen A fellow SoulCollager and altogether creative woman who shares from heart, the light and the shadow.
7. Melba Melba shares the raw inner workings of her heart and soul and helps connect people in a profound way.
8. Jamie Ridler Wow! What to say about Jamie. She is energy and love.
There are so many women that I am deeply grateful to and for. I couldn't possibly list them all here.
Today I couldn't even attempt it. It is freaking cold and there is no heat right where the computer is so I am freezing my ass off and my fingers don't want to type.
Don't worry. It's nice and toasty in other corners of the apartment so I'm going there to drink some nice hot cocoa and read a good book.
Have an amazing weekend.
I love you.
It is way below zero here. They even called off school in the middle of final exams! We have a frozen pipe that the plumbers have been trying to find for two days before it breaks and floods the house. Have a cozy day with your book and cocoa. Maybe I will quit "pretending" to clean my studio and grab a cup for myself! Thank you for your kind words of love and support! I feel honored and appreciated! xoxo Kathy
Merci for including moi !! My motto is Follow Your Heart! Great talkin gwith you! PS: Please email me your address...
cozy and sacred - what a great combination!
Thank you Lisa, I love you too. XOXO
How wonderful! Thank you so much. That just made my morning :)
Thanks so much for the award Lisa, you are the best...
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