Thursday, November 27, 2008


To my friends here in America, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving.

I hope you are surrounded by love this day.

To my friends everywhere else, I hope the same for you.

To my friends in India, I am sorry for the fear and terror you must be feeling. My heart has been so heavy since hearing the news of the attacks.

For some, this day is marked by the absence of loved ones. I hope that you can feel their presence today and know that they are with you. I hope you find comfort and peace. I hope you can feel the love that your friends are radiating to you.

I am grateful for old and new friends.
I am grateful for my husband. I am grateful that he loves holidays as much as I do and is still as laid back about them as I am. I am grateful that he came down stairs this morning and said, "Happy Thanksgiving Darlin.'" I love being called Darlin with the little bit of Texas left in the way he forms his words.
I am grateful for my children, for the way they've become responsibile young men, for the fact that they've never outgrown hugging their mama or telling me they love me. I'm grateful that they are ever surprising me with their creativity in problem-solving, their generosity in friendship and their capacity for kindness.
I am grateful for a Universe whose laws work on my behalf. I am grateful for a loving Presence, whatever it is, and so thankful to have let go of my old ideas of a passive-aggressive god.

My heart overflows as do my blessings.

I pray it is the same for you.

My love to you all.


JoyceAnn said...

Beautiful post , Lisa. Wishing You , Patrick and the boys a very Happy Thansgiving.

~ Love & Blessings ~

Emma said...

Enjoy your holiday!

The Bookworm said...

Happy Thanksgiving, you've got a wonderful blog.
Great crochet projects :)

Lisa said...

Thanks everyone. I hope your holiday was wonderful.