Friday, November 28, 2008

I figured out the meaning of life.

I found the best tutorial.


Anonymous said...

Ok, ya got me! I just had to stop and ask: Is the meaning of (your) life learning the double-crochet granny square? :-)

I like to think your answer is "yes", because whenever I watch the hands of someone creating such art, their face is always so peaceful, serene. (No accident, huh?)

Here's to dreaming big..and Happy Holidays to you!

take care,
Louise Lewis, author
No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to YOU!

Free e-book:
(Simply my way of 'giving back')

Lisa said...

Hi Louise! Well, after all the stops and starts of trying to figure out the granny square, it sure felt like the meaning of life for me that night. :)

I have started reading your book (you are so generous...and smart!) and I am loving it already. Thank you for visiting me.

Sue Seibert said...

Hey, Lisa. How are you? Hope all is well...just stopped by to say hi.

Hulda said...

Hi, Lisa :) Thank you for stopping by my blog, I am happy that you have been thinking of me. :)

Your crochet granny squares looks sweet, lovely colours you have puted together.

Have a nice Advent!

Anonymous said...

I totally fell for that one :-).
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! XOXO

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Thanks for the tutorial link! I am trying to crochet myself a shawl and wanted granny squares! You have a lovely blog!

Lisa said...

Hi Sioux! Good to see you. Yes, I am doing great. Hope you are!

Hulda, you too. So nice to see you here!

Annie, tee hee!

Ms. Penniwig, it's the best tut I've found. Good luck with your shawl. You are so generous with you graphics. Thank you!