Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Giveaway (not mine)

I just discovered the most amazing blog this morning. I have spent my Saturday morning running back and forth, cooking breakfast, sewing and crafting and then sitting down to read more of her blog. She has so many ideas and shares them so freely.

On November 1st, her daughter is having a birthday so she is having a giveaway! (Seems she'll use any excuse to give something away) :)

Go on over and comment and see if you get this awesome gift!

Oh, I forgot to mention the other day when I was talking about the heat transfer pen. Be sure you copy what you want to stitch backwards because it will be reversed.

Here are some things I've been working on. I made this doll several months ago. There are things I love about her. I was just seeing if I could make a larger doll with arms and legs (those cute raggedy arms and legs). But! What possessed me to make her arms come out of her chest is beyond me. So in my effort to buy NO craft stuff until I use what I have and in my other effort to not have stuff just laying around that I'm not using, I'm trying to fix her. I tried to carefully remove the arms with a stitch ripper but because sanding and painting the muslin makes it sort of like vinyl, I ended up ripping her poor little chest. I'm not sure what I'll do at this point, but I'll do something.

She won't even look at me!

This is a little quiltie. I've been working on it for a few days. It's going in my shop when I get some better pictures of it. It's dreary here today so I can't get enough light in the kitchen. (Dreary is good, though. I'm enjoying a quiet crafting day) The stitchery design is by Cheryl Seslar! She is so generous with her patterns and I appreciate that so much. I really do tire of pattern designers who give you their patterns and then tell you that you can't use them unless you then hide it in a closet and only let your closest relatives look at it. I find the Prim community(as a whole...there are other very generous artists out there, like Violette Clark and others) to be the absolute most generous with their craft ideas and patterns. Everyone shares back and forth, knowing that there is enough for everyone. The Universe is abundant!

This is a little thing I picked up several months ago at Goodwill. I'm painting it and turning it into a Christmas decoration.

That's about it for me today. After visiting so many new (to me) blogs, my head is filled with ideas. Yet, all I can do is sit down and look at more! LOL

Be Generous! There is more than enough for us all. Sharing is what makes it fun!

1 comment:

Kathie said...

Yes ... the Universe is Abundant!