Happy Sunday to everyone! I've had a slow and beautiful day. I've been painting away. Wednesday will be my 43rd birthday and Patrick treated me to some nice new canvases.
Yesterday I got a card from my mom. I called her to thank her and we had a wonderful conversation. She is happy that I'm happy and seemed genuinely glad to hear all about Patrick and our upcoming marriage. That was the last thing that was weighing on my mind and I am thrilled to pieces that everything is out in the open where it can be celebrated for the amazing gift that it is. The card she sent said, "Whatever your heart wishes, that is what my heart wishes for you." Isn't that beautiful?
Judie, my lovely parrothead glittersister sent me a card that was torn into puzzle pieces. When I figured out what it said, the message was that I then had to figure out the rest of my gift. She sent some awesome wooden letters for me to embellish but I had to figure out what they spelled out. LOL At first I thought it was "avid lisa" but once I looked at it a while, I realized it was Diva! LOLOL Thank you Judie. I was giggling the whole time I was figuring it all out.
Ok. Now for some art.
I love you guys.
Those paintings are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us.
I really like your new paintings, and love the one for Daisy. And I'm so glad that you had a nice chat with your mom and things seem to be good.
Had to smile when I saw the kitty picture! My LuLu sleeps like that, too.
Hi Froggy. It's your birthday again already??? lol
Hope it is lovely.
So nice that your Mom is supportive of you and Patrick.
Sending love
Loved hearing about your mom and you. The card was lovely, glad she is on your side.
Painting are beautiful.
Happy Birthday, and contrats on your engagement! Beautiful news on the wings of love, of family...and colorful, soulful art as well! The angeles are gorgeous, I love their expressions! You are awesome! I too am happy, that you are happy! It's contageous!
love you..
Hi, Lisa! Love those angels. And the news of that card from your Mom is just wonderful. I am delighted for you and Patrick.
FrogHEAD?? Your birthday?!!!!
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