I'm so excited. I've been asked to do something that I have dreamed of doing. It's funny how I have all of these little dreams in the back of my mind and it's so exciting when they come true. I'm not sure I can talk about it yet but know that life is good. :)
I'm going to a movie tonight at the Lifestream Center where I'll be facilitating the SoulCollage workshop in April. The movie is "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay and entrance is a $10 donation that goes to the Lifestream Center and the Hay Center. Isn't that cool?
My hope is that I will meet some really amazing folks who will become friends. I keep saying I want to meet my tribe (local...besides y'all hehe) but unless they just come and knock on the door it would be pretty difficult. I've become so accustomed to staying in over the years that I have to recondition myself to actually go out and have a good time! Tonight I'm going. I can't wait to see the movie.
I've been painting all morning. I don't know what's come over me. For a while I thought I may just forget about painting but then I started looking at the folk/naive art and it tugs at my heart, for some reason so I've been playing with painting in that style a bit.
YouTube is amazing for picking up techniques and just looking at art. I love it.
The dolls above were made over the weekend, I think. Or maybe Friday. Again, I was watching YouTube and got some ideas I had to try. :) The girl at this blog has a youtube video on her little gnome girls. Too cute!
Let's see....I guess that's about all the news from Roanoke today (mine anyway). Ohhhhh, I quit smoking again. Yes, that would mean that I started again since last time I wrote about quitting. lol but March 1 was the first day of the 100 day reality challenge for me so I decided to quit smoking. I feel good this time, like I did when I quit for a year and a half. The withdrawals were bad the first couple of days...couldn't sleep, felt sad and anxious and HUNGRY. I wasn't expecting all of that. Finally, I looked up the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and all of these were listed. That made me feel better and made it easier for me to deal with the feelings and go on. I haven't had one cigarette or even a drag in four days! Yay me!
I feel better already. I can breathe easier. I can't wait until my skin starts looking better. At least I stopped before I had been smoking for a whole year! I started in June of 2007. Close. :)
Ok, enough yammering. See you guys later. I love you. You are beautiful!
You can do it. The Power is in you.
: )
Yay! No Smoke.. Hey..you COULD be with your tribe in Sedona......LOVE LOVE LOVE your dolls! They are so unique!
Lisa, I know what you mean about a local tribe, still looking for mine. Congrats on giving up the smoking habit. You can do it. Let me know how you like the movie.
Have fun and I can't wait to read all about it! And a big CHEERS to a clean air living!
All the best,
Lisa, I hope you find your tribe. Mine it totally online. I'd like to have a local one, too.
I really enjoyed that movie---You Can Heal Your Life. I wrote a review of it for Amazon.
I love your dolls, Lisa. I enjoyed watching your new video on them.
Peace and love,
Love the doll in the middle! Thoughts become things and dreams do come true. YAY you! Congrats on the non smoking...hopefully I'll be next.
Your dolls are beautiful.
I know exactly what you mean about being used to staying in. I have to learn to go out into the world too. I don't think the love of my life will just come knocking at my door!
Congrats on the no smoking! And congrats on whatever the new thing is too! It's always fun when dreams come to life no matter how big or small they are.
Now I'm excited too and can't wait to find out what it is you can't talk about yet. Just stopped by to say hello..gotta feed the stock then get off to work! xoxoxoxoxo
What wonderful art dolls!Congradulations on your not smoking!You can achieve anything when you put your mind to it. Your brillant!:) Thanks for sharing with us! You take care!!!
Congratulations on being smoke free. You can do it.
Finding a local tribe is one of my dreams of the moment. Hopefully it'll come true for both of us.
YAHHHHHHHHHH you, yah for quitting smoking that is HUGE, i am so proud of you, i quit 6 years ago. 2 packs a day so i know you can do it.
YEAHHHHHHHHH for the soul collage, yes put yoursefl out there meet amazing folks and your life will be enriched. good for you girl.
congratulations, dear lisa!! you'll have a blast, i'm sure :o)
i LOVE the angel doll especially!!!
Oh I do so love all of your dolls. Could not pick a fav. Good luck on the stopping smoking. Man I need to do that. Love Hugs and Blessings
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