Thursday, February 15, 2007

ATCs from GPS

ATCs from GPS
Originally uploaded by GroggyFroggy.
Surely you didn't think I was done. The generosity of my dear Glitter Sisters knows no end. Thank you Kai and Sioux for the wonderful surprise of ATCs from out of the blue.


Melissa said...

I really like the one from sioux - like a next to settle into ... seems springy to me right now.

Tinker said...

Love 'em! All these talented and generous GPS' - glad you, and your mailbox, are receiving so much love and beauty!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

All of your mail love is gorgeous and oh the sweet and wonderful GPS!!
Doesn't it just warm the heart?

Dotee, she knows no bounds...a heart as big as Australia itself!!

You deserve it all!!!

Anonymous said...

You are one blessed lady, they are both wonderful but I love the Kai one, how pretty!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Wonderful works of ART from truly generous hearts... you're one lucky lady!

KaiBlue said...

ALoha Lisa,
thankyou for all the kind words on my bloggie blog, glad you liked the Art.
:)PEace n hugs Kai

Julie H said...

How lovely it is to see art circling the globe, and what a blessing that it has landing with you.

Have a peace filled day.

Dot said...

Beautiful art for a beautiful woman!

The ATC's from Kai and Sioux are gorgeous!

And I am so, so pleased you liked the quiltie and ATC I made for you.

Big smooches to you my friend

Dotee xoxo