These two ATCs are from Daisy and Gemma! I'm so excited to have them. It was as much fun seeing who they were from as it was opening the envelope in the first place. Miss Judi even decorated my envelope with pretty dragonflies and a lovely Judy Garland stamp! She put in some extra goodies, too, that I intend to put to good use.
Aren't the ATCs and the extra goodies great?
Then, as if that weren't enough, I got the mixed media painting piece that I ordered from Colette!
Three gorgeous ATCs, a new piece of art for my kitchen, postcards, fabric, embellishments. Great mail day, wouldn't ya say? :)
Excellent mail day Froggy!! So pleased you received lots of lovely things. a big yay for you!!!
That really is a great mail day! I love it when you get something other than bills in the mail ;-)
Hi Groggy Froggy
(Hey, that's fun to type!). You left two nice messages on my blog last week, and I was so frantic with work and life that I didn't even respond.
I loved this visit to your blog. Mail, REAL mail, is one of the great pleasures in life. You received such a bounty. I've dreamed of having real art in my house. Not reproductions or super expensive stuff, but art from people's hands.
So thanks for sharing these. I feel like an old-timer. What the devil is an ATC? I want one.
Have an artistic day.
Dotee, hehe I told Colette that *I* almost did the Dotee dance.
Elisabeth, boy is that the truth. Art over bills any day!
Caroline, you made me laugh with the fun to type comment. lol This art by mail thing is brand new for me. I love it. It makes me think of Ralphie on the Christmas Story waiting for his secret decoder ring..except it turns out better for me. :) An ATC is an Artist Trading Card. They're 2.5" by 3.5" inches, the size of a playing card (I used playing cards)and they are arted up and traded between people. Some people use fabric or even make them out of fabric, others paint or collage..there are no rules other than the size. They're fun to do and fun to trade. I've only known what they are for a few months. :)
Glad you like the Moulin Rouge ATC I made...Love all the stuff you got.
Lisa...I am going to eMail you later today when I get a chance. My comments on your last few posts were too long for blogger.
Big smile
Gemma, I look forward to it!
Yay! Isn't swapping the best! I love Collette's work! I have been to her site! she is fab! I have got to get busy and do some art!
Yeehaw!!! Oh my gosh, I have to admit it gave me a rush to see these pics! I'm so happy you liked everything, and thank you for your sweet e-mail about the tea cup piece.
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