I have a separate blog for talking about my faith and the questions that it raises for me or the questions that it answers and I want to keep this one for every day life and crafts and artsy fun. However, with that said, I feel a bit embarrassed by one of my statements yesterday. I said that I didn't want my calling to be one of service. Well, as a Christian, that is indeed my calling. That is one of the few things in the Bible that is not up for interpretation. Jesus could not have said it any more clearly. I am not going to say that I didn't mean it. Oh, I meant it or at least, I meant that I didn't want to serve in quite the capacity in which I find myself. But, goodness knows, there's worse capacities and these people have tons of value and all that. I was just tired and whiny. I am so grateful to be surrounded, if at a distance, by such loving and compassionate friends. Thank you for letting me vent. This morning I remembered a church sign that Nick and I chuckled at a few weeks ago. It said "Some are willing to serve God, but only as advisors." Yep.."God, I think I would be better used in THIS way over here." lol Ok...done.
Let there be art. There has been a challenge issued. First, we have all copied a drawing by Violette and made her our own. This is my version.

Simple and sweet. Ok. I was trying out my next new haircut I want. How's it look? Hmmm every few years I lose my mind and have my hair bobbed, as if my face has changed enough for it to look good. Insanity.
Then we were challenged by Pamala-la-la to do a quick drawing of her...real quick...one minute. I haven't tried that one yet but I probably will.
I finally bit the bullet last night and settled in with all my research and wrote the magazine article. Got it in a few hours before deadline. Yay. I hope it's well received. I have two more articles to edit today. Other than that, I don't really have any plans for the day. I'm thinking about taking a walk (or I'd love to run) but it's looking a little dark out there. We'll see.
I've made a couple of surprises that need to mailed off.

I worked on them over the weekend. So much love went into them. I learned from some of you that crafting and art is so much more satisfying when you're making something for someone you love. It's a whole different thing than making it for yourself. (although we should do that too)
"I worked on them over the weekend. So much love went into them. I learned from some of you that crafting and art is so much more satisfying when you're making something for someone you love. It's a whole different thing than making it for yourself. (although we should do that too)"
Yes!!!...I love making things for people. So much so that I forget sometimes to enjoy the process for its own sake. I find myself needing to remind myself that it is okay to make something for myself.
"This morning I remembered a church sign that Nick and I chuckled at a few weeks ago. It said "Some are willing to serve God, but only as advisors." Yep.."God, I think I would be better used in THIS way over here." lol Ok...done."
Spot on!! :)
I really enjoyed this post Lisa. Love the long necked lady too!
And your art dolls are gorgeous! The love and thought you have put into them emanates from the page.
Whoever receives them will love them. The colors are beautiful, so soothing.
Like you I love making things for people. And feel much more connected to my art when I am making it for someone else. Gives it another dimension. And, makes the process so fulfilling on a heart level.
I have posted a response to your other post too.
Take care talented and special lady.
Dotee xoxo
Me, yeah, we need to remember that it's ok to do that! Glad you enjoyed the quote. lol
Dotee, you are one of those people who taught me what a joy it is to create for others. It is all over your blog. I am going to think over your comments for a while. They meant so much to me and I appreciate them very much.
Today I felt a need to read and you quenched my thirst, thankyou for posting some interesting points and some lavish art to enjoy!
Peace, Kai.
What lovely dolls ...
As to the hair, I wonder sometimes if perhaps things really do suit us, it is jsut they suit our personality, our spirit, our emotion - what we really are, rather than our outside.
Does a 'bob' say something to you? Or is it just the look?
Kai, thank you right back. You always make me think. I appreciate your comment. Sometimes I worry when I write too much so knowing that you were wanting to read makes me feel good about it. :)
Julie, I'm not sure. I think there is a no nonsense look about a bob and a cleancut feel to it. Most women portrayed on tv with a bob are either very sensual or very businesslike and strong. What's not to like about that, huh?
Hugs upon hugs. Been there twice a day, every day, lol. But God does give us the strength, even through the hardest of times, Jesus was a man of sorrows but of eternal joy. xxx
Looks like he gave you super strength. :) I've just taken a look at your post for today. Man, no fun at all. I hope the little one feels better soon and you too.
Your painting is like a pretty swan with her elegant neck and bob haircut! Very nice!! And then those charming little dolls, are you teasing us?
Corey hehe thanks.
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