Here are a couple of things I've been working on. I've been wanting to experiment with adhering little found things with wax. It was fun and it holds well and gives an interesting texture I think. I also got some new papers from Covet Me that I wanted to play with. I didn't get a chance to do much yesterday because I mowed and that took a big hunk out of the day but the yard finally looks good again.
I don't really have much planned for today. I'm looking forward to the weekend. It sure got here in a hurry.

I hope everyone is well or on the mend. Talk to ya later.
Wow Lisa! Those are s pretty! Colours, layout, material - love it ALL! Kudos to you :)
Your collages always gives me a nice happy feeling inside.
I hope you have a really nice weekend!
Those are really beautiful. The colors rock! And I really like your Glitter Power Sisters tag on the sidebar. Kewl idea. We should all have one....except I'd never get one up!! LOL Keep creating.......
Thanks Isabelle, I appreciate that!
Elisabeth, I can't think of anything I would want more than that. :)I hope you have a nice weekend, too.
Thanks so much Judie! Tysninnie made them for us. You can get yours at Violette's site. :) yay.
Very nice! I like this post best of all :)
Awww thanks Emma! :)
it's so easy to get on a roll isn't it? lovely,lovely, lovely - the colors are beautiful! So tell me, what wax did you use??
Lisa, thanks! I just used a scented candle I had. lol I just dripped it but I plan to get some beeswax and actually melt it one of these days.
Hi Lisa, my first comment in a while. These are reaaaaally pretty. Good job girl!
Thanks Sarah. It's nice to see you.
Hi Lisa, it looks like you're doing just great with collage! Very beautiful! I never tried the wax...what a great idea.
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