Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hope restored

I talked to the Storage Unit today and apparently my stuff is still there and still available. I'm going to pay them and get my stuff out of there. One wonderful ray of light...both of our names are on the unit. The manager is a smart lady. So when I get my stuff out, I can take my name off of it and will no longer have to worry about it! That is a relief.

And you know, just getting relief on one thing has helped restore some hope and peace.

Thanks for your supportive comments everyone. I feel a little lighter today. :)


Shauna said...

Glad you got some good news! :)

Brenda Pruitt said...

Honey, if we were perfect and there were no problems on the horizon, we'd have to look down and pinch ourselves. Cause we'd probably be dead and just hadn't fallen over yet. Email me if you need to. I'm in my third marriage (and intend it to be my last, irregardless), and I know the feeling of looking back and seeing what appears to be a dark tunnel and no light at the end of it. Like I said, email if you need to. I have broad shoulders and I say what I think. I don't judge or feel holy (hate that) or anything. And don't trust people who do!

Emma said...

I was just reading your previous post and feeling so sad for you, then this one appeared. I am so glad that you are able to retrieve your treasures. As far as Tim and the gossip in a small town goes, I am pretty sure that most people have a fair idea of what he's like, and what you're like. Keep living an honest life and everything will catch up. Patrick sounds a real catch ;)

Janet said...

Yea! That's one less thing to worry about. Just keep on that path and soon you will have it all behind you.

Kate Robertson said...


I saw both your posts in the same day and was saddened at the former but delighted with this one. I am glad you got some good news.


Emily said...

I love you!!!

Shauna said...

I have an award for you on my blog!

Pam Aries said...

Dear Froggy...You are such a kind hearted, gentle person...I am sorry you had to go through any uneasiness . I am glad t o see that things are brighter. Remember a favorite quote from Leonard Cohen : "There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in"

Michelle said...

Lisa, so glad things are already looking up!! You have a big heart..I can tell. You sound a lot like me. *sigh*. Being kind and big hearted can really sometimes be soooo challenging! Knowing that you're good on the inside and out is what gets you through the day though.


Michelle :)