Thursday, May 31, 2007


I created this SoulCollage card as the first one of my Community Suit. The community suit is made up of people and pets who are important to you in various ways.

I think the Community Suit is the only one that I hadn't made a card for. I am excited to now have at least one card for each suit. (Committee, Community, Council,and Companion)

This is also my first digital collage. I did it in MSPaint. It's still a little awkward for me and there are layers under what you see here. It was fun, though, and I think I'll probably continue to do some SoulCollage cards digitally.

This lovely lady is my friend Cheryl. She is a SoulCollage Facilitator who studied with Seena Frost in California. She is also a wonderful jewelry designer and creator. She has recently created a number of mandalas, as well.

These are the "I am One who" statements for this card:

I am One who relishes creativity in myself and others.

I encourage others to be and do all that they are capable of being and doing.

I am filled with ideas and have a deep love of sharing these ideas.

I am One who acknowledges the Spirit. I stop and welcome the Spirit before I create. I go on to create sacred pieces of art that express this Spirit within me.

I am One who is beautiful, within as without.

Cheryl has been very encouraging to me and given me many ideas that have helped me to see a realistic future of blending creativity with income.

I feel strongly that God has placed us in each other's paths and I look forward to seeing where our merged path might lead.

There will be many more community cards to come. I have so many of you to acknowledge and celebrate. I thanked God for the blogging community this morning. While I have been physically isolated, I have felt the freedom and comfort of loving friendships all over the world.

I am grateful for every one of you.


GreenishLady said...

That is such a lovely tribute to Cheryl (I have only met her via SoulCollage too, but what a beautiful spirit she has). It's lovely to see this. Thanks.

and... I love your gratitude beads. Wonderful idea.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful job that you did! I bet your friend is just overwelmed with happiness by your being so thoughtful! That was soo nice of you to do! Love all of your soulCollages!

Cheryl Finley said...

How can I possibly tell you how touched I am by your gesture of this card. It's an incredible, beautiful honoring...and I thank you deeply. I am so grateful that SoulCollage, Jewelry, and Gratitude well as our love for creative living has brought us together. The Creator is smiling...I can feel it! Thank you again... and keep shining ever so brightly.
Love and continued abundant blessings to you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Groggy Froggy: Visited your Etsy store and like "Folk Art Angel." I must say you are an artist after my own heart: your prices are VERY affordable! Lol.

Happy Creating!

Artsy Craftery Design Studio said...

I like the Categories collage too. Very colorful and a very accurate message for the artist, and critics as well.


Anonymous said...

Lovely community card, Lisa. said...

hello groggie darling,I love the card!got to go walking today and yard selling,worked in the garden and got some things on ebay under purple*cucumbers.trying to catch up with all my ladys.I am a fruit cake with out nuts at times.later gator,xxoo

J C said...

your soul collage is lovely Lisa. Keep up the good artsy work. Your talent is showing!!! :)

Pam Aries said...

How lovely! I am going to look into the Soul Collage cards. You are such a creative gal! THank you for sharing!

Dot said...

So beautiful Lisa. I am loving seeing you flourish. I can feel your soul smiling from here...