Friday, May 18, 2007

Morning Song

I love having the window open in my bedroom. I distinctly remember hearing the birds begin their singing this morning. One moment every thing was still. Then there was a gentle start of singing. By the time I walked in to make coffee, it was a whole chorus. I had to capture a bit of it for you. This is taken from my front porch.

Good morning. Enjoy.


J C said...

That was beautiful Lisa. Thank you sooooooooo much for making my morning pleasant! I love birdsong.

JoyceAnn said...

I LOVE early mornings too , When the birds sing those beautiful melodies and all seems so peaceful.

Took a look at your AC Soul Collage slideshow. They're wonderful , now I think I'll go make a Soul Collage card.

Wishing you a HAPPY weekend !!

~~ Hugs ~~

Anonymous said...

I love the birdies too!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Oh I just loved that! Those are the mornings that make me smile first thing...when all the birds are in song.

gma said...

wonderful Lisa!
Natures sounds like the morning birds,the ocean,rainfall all so soothing.

Anonymous said...

yay! finally back :)

LOVE this were up before the sun!! I hear a dove in the background oh such beautiful music to wake up to~ thanx for sharing!!

missed you~

xo ~Bella

KaiBlue said...

i listened to the songs a few times, I think natures songbirds couldn't be any more perfect. :)
peace, Kai xxooxx

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful Froggy! Thanks for sharing that! :)

Dot said...

Thanks for sharing that with us Lisa. I love the sound of bird song. Every morning when I am on my morning walk I go past this huge tree and hear an enormous chorus of bird song. It always lifts my spirits.
I love to think of the birds having a morning meeting and talking about their plans for the day :)

Bird song is so good for the soul..

And you are good for my soul too!!

Lots of love

Dotee xoxo

P.S A friend of mine leant me the DVD of The Secret and I have watched it 3 times already. I can see why it resonated so much with you.

smilnsigh said...

Oh how lovely!!! Thank you for sharing.
