I made this doll yesterday. I finally bought some alcohol inks yesterday and tried them out on this paper clay face. I also used them on the beads. Two totally different effects.
I bought beading needles, some charms, some more beads and another mold.
It had been a while since I'd made a doll. I enjoyed the process. It was raining out and I love doing things when there's a nice gentle rain out.
Earlier in the day, I mowed. I had one little patch I hadn't finished so I got it over with pretty early.
Then I showered (I'm leaving out all the everyday stuff for Lois, etc) and went to ACMoore and then walked from there to Barnes and bought two books by Ernest Holmes. Wow. So interesting! I even treated myself to a stop in the Starbucks inside Barnes and sat in the sun by the window and read for a little bit.
Then I came home and played with my new toys.
I had a perfect day and enjoyed it thoroughly.
Angela tagged me with a meme to tell 7 seven things about myself or quotes that I like, etc. Here goes:
1. About 12 or 13 years ago I visited a seminary in Richmond, Virginia with the intention of attending and becoming an ordained minister. I went through the process at my church and was approved by Session (the ruling elders) to pursue ministry, aided by my church. I was stopped at a higher level because the man making the ruling worried that my age and sex might mean that I would change my mind and they would have wasted their time. I guess I proved him right but my life went into a bit of a topspin (self-induced) shortly after that.
2. I have a profoundly mentally retarded brother, Tony, who is 3 years older than I am and is still cared for by my mother. That entails changing diapers and feeding. I did a lot of that growing up. When things started to get serious with dates, I would always ask if they could live with Tony because I always figured if anything happened to my mom before Tony died, he would live with me.
3. I have another brother, Allen, who is an amazing musician. He can play many instruments and he can sing, but his true love is the Steel Guitar. He's played with Willie Nelson, Johnny Paycheck and a bunch more that I can't give right off the top of my head right now.
4. Although I have referred to Tim as DH in my earlier blogging time and even hubby, we are not married. I was embarrassed about that for a long time and Tim does refer to me as his wife and he considers us married so I went with it. As I seek to live a more authentic life, I can't pretend that we're married. We are what we are and we live together. Yep, as Dr. Laura says, we're "shacking up."
5. I did a workshop once with Dawn Upshaw. I sang a solo in front of her. I was too ignorant to be impressed at the time. Now I see her grammy award winning cds and thank God I didn't know while I was singing my solo. A friend at the college sneaked a photograph of us together and gave it to me as a gift; a beautiful black and white.
6. When I was a freshman in college, I went to see Maynard Ferguson for the first time. Afterwards we hung out with the band for a few and lots of girls were hugging the drummer, Brinker. I asked if I could have a hug and he laid a big kiss on me. Whoohooo. :) I had a big crush. About a year later, they did another concert in the area and someone told me that he came out on stage and shouted, "Does anyone here know Lisa Moore?" (my maiden name). I had a friend there who gave him my number. He called. I was out on a date with Tom. (the boys' dad, we were newly engaged). I wonder about him from time to time. I hope he's still drumming.
(EDIT: Oh my gosh, I just had to come back to say, um, yeah...he's still drumming in a big way. lol I need to tell this story more often..my one brush with fame was bigger than I thought...check him out...RayBrinker.)
7. At Roanoke College (college was a good time for me. lol), my friend was a Composition Major and I was a Voice Major. He was giving his senior recital and wrote a song specifically for me to sing. I still have the tape. Boy, he wrote it high! He wrote really beautiful music. I hope he still does.
Ok, that's seven. :) Hope I didn't bore you to tears. I was trying to think of things I don't usually talk about.
Thepurplecucumber tagged me to pick 7 blogs that are my favorite. I tried. I can't do it. If you're in my sidebar, you're one of my favorites. I don't read every blog every day because I'd never get anything else done, but I try to get through the whole sidebar once a week. It's getting harder because I keep adding new ones. lol
I hope everyone has a wonderful day. I love you all.
Good for you, Dear. #4. Be yourself. Be who you are. If anyone has a problem with that, it's their problem.
And me too, I can't do any of those 'pick this' or 'pick that.' I have so many blogs I love to visit, I can't even put them on a Sidebar. Making use of the Google Reader has made my blogging life a lot easier though.
It keeps getting overwhelming 'cause I just keep finding more and more and more blogs which I want to peek in on. Yes, I'm so glad I finally went for Google Reader.
LOLOL I am sooo there with ya girl! I keep adding onto my list too.
Nooooo you didn't bore me to tears. You could never do that froggy! I can't say anything though. I put myself down like that all the time. Working on not doing it so much though.
Each person has their own gift. Having your brother around is a gift. I don't understand why people have to live with disablities and such. *Sighs* Everything happens for a reason though.
Make's me think of a country song by Garth Brooks He sings "Some of Gods greatest gift's are unanswered prayers." I totally agree!
I love ya tooo!
Loved to know more about you Lisa.
I got tagged for this one too.
Love your doll! Happy momma's day to you--
Oh my, Lisa. Your tag answers were so interesting. Especially about Tony. I commend your mom. You already know my daughter has a child like that and she will be like your mom as she ages....always the caregiver. One has to have a great deal of respect for people that have that much love in their hearts for their child, to continually care for them and not give them up to a home. I'm not sure I could have done it, even tho I love my kids with all my heart.
Absolutely fascinating!! Some very revealing peaks. Mine will be dull compared to yours!!
The doll you made is wonderful. I've never used the alcohol inks. Maybe I should try them out sometime.
You are never boring. I loved reading 7 things about you....and learning more about you. It just confirms my belief that you are an interesting, diverse, talented woman.
You are such a gifted doll maker among other things....all of your art is incredible, how you let your spirit shine through. The meme was very interesting too. Sending loving blessings to Tony and all of your family....they sound like amazing people.
I love the doll. Also, yours is the first side bar I've ever been on...thanks! I have to set a timer to get myself off the blog visiting, otherwise, I lose track of time!
LOL..Lisa. Mr Dan and I arn't married and we've lived together for 7 years.
Every year he says, now? and I say maybe later..and we make it thru another year of bliss.. :)
Marriage isabout souls, not a piece of paper.. yours is fine..
love and peace, Kai
Hi Mz. Froggy! I enjoyed your post today! (and every day!) Your doll as wonderful!
I adore the doll - she looks so serene and beautiful. And also your 7 things - not boring in the least!! Isn't life funny, the twists and turns it takes us on, and we always get where we are supposed to be in the end.
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