Monday, April 16, 2007

Prayers and Healing Thoughts

Please keep the folks from VA Tech in your prayers. I can't imagine being one of those parents right now. I'm sending lots of love and healing energy and I know you will too. I am so proud of the students who have been interviewed for their calm demeanor and their loyalty to their school. I can only imagine that they are still in shock.


Anonymous said...

Will do Froggy! :) I am also praying for a family friend who's mother just died in a car accendent! Only 60 something tooooo! I will certainly add that to my prayers. :)

KaiBlue said...

peace and a wish for it to heal..
Peace, Kai. xx00xx

Dot said...

I am praying Lisa. Such a awaful, awful thing to have happened.

Gill said...

I bawled. I cried. I have a lump in my throat still. Those poor people.
It is completely senseless.
I am sending love, light, flights of angels and more. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for peace and healing for all of you back there - it's horrible tragedy - and it can be all the more horrible for those in proximity, when something this terrible hits so close to home, it affects everyone. Peace and healing light to all~
XOXO said...

just passing threw,come visit soon and see my new hair cut that was not my choise. said...

for got to ask,wont to swap links?

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I saw this post and didn't know what you meant, just read it on the Times Online, how can be days between me reading newspapers or watching the news so I don't always know what's going on in the world. Hugs across the Atlantic.