I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter (or has had one). We've had a very nice day here. The boys liked their little mountain of goodies I put together and we went to IHOP and had yummy food and lots of laughing and fun. I enjoy their company so much. I am blessed.
I made this card this morning. I haven't named it, but it obviously has to do with praying/meditating/communing; a very important part of my life.
This is an ATC I did last night, in honor of Easter.
I am amazed by the generosity and kindness of those who take the time to send e-cards. Thank you so much for that. (Now those who didn't send e-cards (like moi)...don't start thinking oh I should have sent out ecards...you probably did something else equally as wonderful and thoughtful at some time or another). :)
Much love to all of you.
I love soul collage! I was thinking of 'doing' a course online. Do you know much about it?
love your easter ATC too!
wishing you a blissful easter xoxo
Ohhh Your Atc's are tooo beautiful! How pretty and meaningful! GREAT JOB!
These are both beautiful Lisa, I think your soul is shining!! Your light is getting brighter by the day that I may need to wear shades to read your blog.
We need to chat soon, I could use a dose of that light!
Beautiful card! Happy Easter, dear Lisa. xoxo
Lovely SoulCollage cards, Lisa. Glad to hear you had a good Easter!
Oh I should have sent out e-cards!!
;) just being rebellious and not listening to your instruction :)
Love the new blog greenery and I like your new little collages; especially the renewal one.
I love the prayer collage, it does indeed speak to my soul. You are a blessing~
I love your soul collages! i like your new look too! cool!
You are flying artistically aren't' you? I particularly like the renewal card.
Oh what a beautiful collage Lisa! I just love it! Your new blog look is great!
Your soul collages are getting more wonderful every time you do one!
I love them both!!
Lisa, please come and read my post today - I have tagged you for an award. :)
I love how meaningful your art is Lisa.. It's a joy to come here :)
Peace, Kai.
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