Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fairy Lily!

She finally bloomed!

A wonderful woman at the Grandin Community Market traded 3 Fairy Lily Bulbs for
the onion sets and dishcloth I crocheted below.

I planted the two smaller bulbs in the herb bed and placed the bigger one in a pot. I've been watching
and watching. Today Patrick whispered in my ear, "go look at your flower." heeeee 

Isn't it so pretty?!

And the nice Market Lady has reported that she has onions growing and that the dishcloth has her colors.

Life is fun!


Stacy Wills said...

very pretty indeed! love your dishcloth, too. my mother-in-law used to crochet these. i treasure them.

Melissa said...

What a pretty flower!! What a rewarding trade.

Jess said...

A very fair trade! Your flower is beautiful, how lovely! :o) xx

Dede said...

A fantastic trade! Your flower is beautiful! I just love trading.


Janet said...

That was a very good trade. Love the color of the flower.