Today I was cleaning out this breadbox which belonged to my Grandma. She used to keep snack cakes in it. These were the cakes she would pack in Grandpa's lunch every day. I was not allowed to ask for these cakes. That would get me in big trouble with Mom, but if I "didn't ask" in just the right way, I could get one. Often Grandpa would just ask me to come into the kitchen with him and he'd open the breadbox and ask if I wanted one. That was my favorite thing.
It's been in storage for years. So many years that it had sippy cup lids stored in the little boxes. My kids are 17 and 21. I've been meaning to clean it out and finally remembered this morning while I still had dishwater in the sink.

I found the recipe above, which I was hoping was still in there. Written by my Grandma's hand, it's her recipe for Baskin-Robbins pie. People loved her Baskin-Robbins pie. It was always a happy occasion to open the refrigerator door and see it sitting in there.
I am thrilled to have it. It means even more to me now than it did when I discovered it in the breadbox several years ago. I always knew that I wanted to display it somehow and today became the perfect day.
I found a frame for it and used some black construction paper to fill in the space inside the mat.
I love the stains and the creases. Most of all, I love seeing her handwriting.
I'm so happy to have it in my kitchen after all these years.

If you think you'd like to make the pie, you can click to enlarge the recipe.
I'm dieting right now and one piece is like a whole week's worth of calories but when I'm skinny...I'm making it. Or next weekend. Whichever comes first.
Yum!! Thanks for sharing this treasure! :)
What wonderful treasures!
And that last line literally made me laugh out loud!
Sarah, you're very welcome! Let me know if you make it.
Sophie haha I'm glad!
Utterly beautiful nostalgic memories. Thanks for posting them so we could all share in your fun!
LOL you crack me up.. go on now... make it and EAT it! Great story and i love that you framed it!
What a lovely memory...
How lucky you are to have your grandma's breadbox and her handwritten recipe. It looks great framed, I wouldn't have thought to do that. Thinking this pie will be great to make for the 4th of July cookout.
this is just one of the most wonderful ideas i have ever seen. what an honor to you grandmother!
Your work is a beautiful tribute to your Grandma, the recipe looks lovely too! Hope your skinny self enjoys it next weekend!!!
Very special indeed, Ms. Froggy.
Lisa, that is such a wonderful idea! I love how the recipe, with all the wrinkles and stains, looks in the frame. I have lots of recipes that were my mom's. Now I know how to showcase them!
That's a lovely idea to frame her recipe, something to pass down through the family. I don't think I'd have your will power though! ;o)xx
What a perfectly lovely idea!!
Thank you for sharing your
Grandmother's recipe with us!!
God Bless You and Yours!!!
Looks delish, but where's the ice cream? I was expecting it to be in there... Waaaaaaaaa!!!!!
ohhh ...... I love that bread box , it looks perfect in your kitchen. That's a wonderful idea to frame your Grandmother's recipe , so special and it looks great. Really like your kitchen decor !
~ Many Blessings ~
what a treasure indeed!!! i have tried to recreate some of my grandmother's recipes...without success...none of them were written down...she cooked from memory...her ham and dumpling with potatoes was my very favorite...mine doesn't even come close...i saved your grandma's pie recipe...i am going to give it a try...thank you so much for sharing it with us:)
what a wonderful story. How fabulous that you put the recipe in a frame. I love that!Im still dieting too but so want to write down this recipe fo future use..thanks Lisa for sharing! Such beautiful story it brought tears to myeyes.
Isn't it wonderful to discover something like this hidden away. I would give anything to have a book of my grandma's recipes. So nostalgic. I love that you framed it and displayed in it your kitchen.
what a wonderful find...I have made that's delicious. I noticed it doesn't specify what kind of sugar to recipe calls for powdered sugar not granulated...maybe it doesn't matter which kind?
What a wonderful find, Lisa :) I have recipes cards written by my Mom and Gram framed and hanging above my stove...they're even more precious to me since they are both gone.
Great fun to have your Grandmother's recipes...I have a whole book my Grannie wrote of recipes...and I use it!
LOVE that recipe, it's beautiful!
I am so glad I came here today !
Thank You Thank You for sharing Your gramma's recipe ! I treassure things like this from my gramma so much . This is such a treat . I think my boys would love this pie . I'm trying to get back to skinny too ☺
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