Sunday, April 11, 2010

Not a Decorating Blog

I promise this is not turning into a decorating blog. In fact, I'm really getting the itch to make some collages and spirit dolls again so hopefully GroggyFroggy will go back to being an art blog one day. :) BUT...for today, here are some more pics of our little space as we're getting organized. There's nothing on the walls yet. We're trying to get everything together first and figure out exactly where we want things before we make any holes.

I found a collage I had forgotten about this week and it made my heart sing. It's really inspired me to do some collages again. I even framed it and put it on one of the end tables. You may be able to see it if you click on the pic.


Kathie said...

I love you new home Lisa :-)

I am itching to make some collages too ... I think I will wait until the New Moon on Wednesday as it will carry Aries energy - newness on all levels!!!


Janet said...

Your new home looks great! I love all that brick area.

I would love to make some collages....or any other kind of art, for that matter. I'm in a slump right now but I know it won't last. I just have to be patient!

Carrie and Justin said...

It looks fantastic and I really enjoy getting peaks into your new digs!!