Saturday, April 17, 2010

How I Spent My Saturday

We spent the day at Grandin Village for Earth Day Roanoke 2010. It was awesome. I was supposed to have a community collage project but noone wanted to be in the little cottage when it was so beautiful outside and it was way too windy to do it outside.

So, instead, I wandered around with my camera and tried to catch the spirit of the day. I enjoyed myself so much.

I took 81 photos. I am mercifully sharing only 5 of them with you. :)

Warning: I do have tons of video as well.

If you actually want to see all the photos, friend me on facebook. Just scroll down and find my facebook thingey on the right.

1 comment:

Pam Aries said...

Fun! Looks like a gorgeous day! I a mgoing t oan earth Day event next weekend!