Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blogging is Emotional

I've had a roller coastery blog day.

I just recently put the blog list back on my blog. I took it off because it was so long and I thought I would still keep up with the blogs that are on it, but I didn't. So, I put it back. I put it back just in time to find out that one of my favorite bloggers is no longer physically among us, though knowing Renee, I would say that she is definitely still among us in one way or another.

She made me laugh and cry and be amazed at her sense of humor, her intelligence and her compassion. I will miss her very much as so many will. Today I sat with tears streaming down my face as other bloggers reported the news of her death and wrote beautiful tributes to her. God speed, Renee. You are missed.

Then, Donna introduced her readers to this amazing painter. Her stories of failed projects and sweet kiddoes made me laugh until tears again made an appearance. Of course, both these ladies are so inspiring anyway but I sure appreciated the laugh today.

Now I'm just waiting for one confirmation from a client on his coupons and I'll get the weekly update out and maybe do some more playing around the apartment. It's so nice here. We've had the windows open for two days in a row and I haven't had to turn the water off to the washer. I love that. I saw crocuses in the neighbor's yard yesterday. Yay!

Even if it snows again, it's still Spring as far as I am concerned. I am not concerned about the fact that it is still two weeks until the official date. Details! It is Spring, doggoneit.

Sorry I don't have pictures today. I hate blog posts without pics but you can click on the links and look at their pics, ok?


Michelle said...

Oh I can relate to the emotional blogging. Lol! Sometimes I get so frustrated when things don't go just right on my blog I just stop blogging for days. LOL!

Kate Robertson said...

I too am missing Renee today and just don't know what to do with that emotion, she will be greatly missed.

Lisa said...

Michelle, ha! I totally understand.

Kate, I know. It was such a shock to me. I find myself going back through her blog trying to understand. That family has been through so much.

Coach Z said...

Thank you for sharing about your personal experience with Renee. Your writing and experiences were clear and personal and I while you may be emotional it didnt cloud your writing. Blessings

Donna Heart said...

oh what a sad bit of news. but a lovely post remembering a lovely lady... I wish it were spring here - 41 degrees celcius arrgh!!! i'll swap with you if you like lol! and thanks for leaving the link to your blog - i didn't even know about that functionality :)
have a great week
x donna

Melo said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your blog friend. I can't keep up with blogs. I can hardly keep up with mine, or things I gotta do in life. It's all so busy! :(

Healing Woman said...

Yes, let's definitely do Happy's together one day. I usually go over there on Sunday's. The market emotionally drains me and Happy's is where I go to relax..LOL

Your post was beautiful today.


Donna Heart said...

hey! i'm not sure why you weren't able to view that vlog - but thanks for letting me know as i'm trying to iron out the bugs. i'm thinking i ticked the only friends box instead of 'everyone' duh... would you mind letting me know if you tried again and whether or not it worked second time? it's really good to have feedback from others! thankyou!!! :)

Pam Aries said...

I did not know Renee, but heard of her a few weeks ago through Gloria's blog. It is so sad. I could see that she was much loved by her bloggie friends.

starseasons said...

I too am finding it hard sometimes to keep up with all the blogs on my blog list. But I would miss some of them too. And thanks for becoming a follower on my. I really do appreciate it.

Laura said...

Blogs are emotional!...and for me that is such a blessing. I only met Renee in the past few months and just loved getting to know her...she will be deeply missed by so many people...what a presence...I suppose her presence will always be here though.

Perhaps the thing I love most about blogging is that it's ok, truly wonderfully ok to be pour out our hearts in grief in joy in silliness in practical hints to share...its all about being real...being honest...and of course feeling held in the container of love and compassion of other bloggers around the world.

I hope you did something fun for your birthday Lisa:)

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Hi Lisa~

This is my first time to your blog, (thanks to you for finding me) and I'm glad this was the first post of yours that I read.
I totally agree with you that blogging is emotional, in more ways than one, believe me.
I'm sorry to hear that you've lost a blog friend. It's almost as hard as losing a family member sometimes. We wake up daily and visit with our coffee in hand, ready to laugh, cry and support one another with the stroke of the keyboard. It's amazing how connected this wonderful world is.
I'm off to read some more of your posts as I am enjoying my visit here with you.
Hope you are having a beautiful Sunday and your heart is feeling a little better, day by day~

Lorraine said...

Although I didn't know Renee always sad to hear of losing a fellow artist. Thank you for signing up to follow my blog. Look forward to visiting again.

Art by Darla Kay said...

Thanks for visiting Lisa! I am also still missing Renee and I know it's made a difference in my blogging routine. I guess I just need a little down time to totally take it all in sometimes.
What a great painting blog you shared with us! COOL!

JoyceAnn said...

Hi Lisa ~ Blogging can get very emotional , it's amazing how we develop friendships with people we've never met. I know Renee will be missed by many people , although I didn't know her , I've heard a few things about her on other blogs.

Hope all is well with you , Patrick and the boys.

~ Blessings ~

Tinker said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your blogging friend, Lisa - and sorry I didn't get a chance to know Renee in the blogging world. There are so many wonderful people out there - it can be difficult to find the time to get all we need and want to do, done in real life and still keep up with everyone we want to, in the virtual world.
I'm sorry too that I didn't get by here in a more timely manner to wish you a happy birthday. Hope you're enjoying your nest this spring - your nesting posts always make me smile! xox

Lisa said...

Thanks so much everyone. Tinker, I'm nesting in a new place. Yay!