Monday, February 01, 2010

Imbolc, Candlemas, Festival of Lights, Festival of Brighid

Come in, Brigit, you are a hundred times welcome! - Irish invocation
When I made this card, I had no idea what or whom it would represent. I knew nothing of the celebrations of the Wheel of the Year, nothing of Brighid and not quite as much about myself as I now do.

Intuitively, my hands brought together these images. Now I know what an important Goddess Brighid is for me.

I look forward to celebrating her this evening and beyond with lots of candlelight, bread, butter and milk. I will set my intentions to grow with the light of Spring.

Snow covers the ground but underneath that blanket of snow are seeds of life waiting to send their tender but strong shoots up to greet the sun.

Sometimes it feels as though our soul is underneath a similar blanket, but still we know the seeds of creativity are starting to vibrate with life and will soon manifest before our eyes as they present themselves to the Light, absorbing the energy and then giving it back in the form of service and love.

I am so ready for Spring this year. I am ready to feel the warmth of the sun on my shoulders as I plant herbs and flowers. I am ready to walk outside in my bare feet, unseparated from mother Earth. I am ready to breathe in the delicious spring smells and feel the breeze on my face.

Whether you tend a garden or not, you are the gardener of your own being,
the seed of your destiny.
- The Findhorn Community


Laura said...

I am ready for spring too... or better yet summer...when my kids home and life is lazy and easy, simple and filled with ripe local fruits and vegetables. There is blessing in each season, but for me summer is my favorite.

Coach Z said...

I love the way your collaged turned out. I know its been a while and seem a long journey has passed since I have been hear last...I am coming out of my winter... BLESSINGS

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa! I had some time this morning and thought I would catch up on some "old" friends. I am so glad you found your way to Brighid. She has been a comfort to me for many years. I actually took her name when I was confirmed over 40 years ago. Although I had no idea why at the time. I love how that works! I wish you a wonderful Valentine's day and an early Spring just as long as we can stay in Winter here a bit longer. I love to hibernate!