I crocheted a potholder. It hangs out on top of my basket of cds in the kitchen.

I got the pattern from this book. I got it a few years ago at a used book store and have learned so much from it. (the book photo is from the internet)
WIP I started this painting last night. First I had a lovely little angel on there but she just wasn't doing anything for me so I painted over her and these three little cuties appeared. Hopefully I'll finish them tonight after work. The distracted one on the end has already captured my heart.
Where else in the world could I hang out with two of my fave artists? Just me, Vincent and Holly
hanging out in the kitchen. hehe
Hey Froggy!!!
What a great post! Thanks for sharing everything with us! :) It's wonderful to try new things. I found a video online and am going to try working with clay that air drys. Have you ever worked with clay that air drys?
I miss everyone in blogland. Thanks again for posting your new works Lisa!
Hey Ms. Froggy. Just saying hello and checkin' out your stuff! xoxoxo
Helllooo! You are a bust little artiste! ..Well guess what. I am going to get a sewing machine . I used to sew everything ..all my clothes, pillows crtains. I looked at some..any suggestions?
Hi, Thanks so much for the comment at my blog :) I've never been to yours before... but I love it! It's so full og joy and loads of colours...!!!
HAve a greta day!
Hey Froggy -- I thought you disappeared from blog land -- of course I've been MIA for awhile. I'm just loving what you've done with your blog. Some really sweet art going on, enjoy your day -- and thanks for stopping by.
Love those kitties....especially the one on the end. I hope you show us when you finish them....I'm sure they'll be purrfect.
Guess what???? You won my giveaway!
I'll bet your kitties are going to be darling when they are done. I hope you show them to us. Blessings.
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