It was clear that I needed a new ritual to keep me centered. I was allowing tension and negativity to send my emotions into chaos. I like ritual but had not been incorporating it into my days.
About a year ago, my friend (and then neighbor) Justyn offered me a deck of Goddess Knowledge Cards to borrow. She thought they may inspire some paintings. The artist is Susan Seddon Boulet. Her work is very recognizable. Once you've seen her goddess paintings, you can immediately tell when you run across her other works. I was saddened to see that she left this world in 1997 but I am happy that she left these beauties to carry on.
This week, I got the deck out and put them on our altar. I've been taking out a goddess per day and it's been a very centering thing. As I pull the goddess card from the deck, I imagine taking on her qualities, knowing they will help me through whatever challenges present themselves for that day.
It's very empowering to know that these qualities reside in each of us and that we just have to tap into them.
If nothing else, starting off the morning looking at such beautiful art is very inspiring.
Life is wonderful. Through this morning time, I have been able to remind myself of how rich my life is and it carries me through the day.
I've even found some time this week to doodle in my art journal. It's been very nourishing. I made a spirit jar, too, but until we get the computer fixed next week, I can't show you any pictures. This too shall pass. :)
Your comments and emails have been so encouraging and strengthening. I can't express how much I appreciate that you take time out from your day to send your light to me.
Thank you.
My mom's procedure has been delayed, so we will spend the weekend relaxing instead of driving and I will be here for my baby's 17th birthday. Unbelievable but wonderful. He has certainly become a young man that I respect and love and am oh so proud of.
Have a great weekend!

Susan's artwork is so beautiful ... and I have one of her cards sitting with me by the computer too!
Happy extended weekend ... and a birthday wish for your Son!
I had this deck years ago ... I glued them all to my wall over my bed for a time. It was a wonderful wall.
Hope you are well and your mom is too.
Kathleen, I'm not surprised that you love her work, too. Happy extended weekend to you, too. :) I'll pass the wishes along to my son!
Kavindra, I can imagine that that was a beautiful and powerful wall! Thank you!
Dear Lisa..it is good to know that you are feeling SOULfull now! Yay! The cards ae gorgeous. Have a great weekend !
Hi! I just wanted to thank you for your comment and let you know that I've added your blog to my link list, as you have done with mine.
Carolina Gonzalez
BTW beautiful Tarot cards!!!!
wow, really beautiful. Very inspiring art work!
I hope we get to hang out a little more and your serenity can rub off on me a little :)
thanks for sharing those cards, Lisa. They are gorgeous.
I love ritual.. it is part of my everyday life. I think my soul would perish without all the little rituals throughout my day.
sending love & light to you mum xo
These cards are so, so gorgeous. Reminds me a bit of Sulamith Wulfing. You should look into her! An amazing artist....
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