I spent Sunday, which was perfectly rainy and cool, nesting a bit.
I worked on my little sewing area in the kitchen. It's hemmed in by the refrigerator on one side and the washer/dryer on the other. It's a tiny space but I'm trying to make the most of it. I plan to paint the frames over the shelf. They were 50cents a piece at Goodwill. I put some fabric in them and they each have a card. The top card is from Lisa Oceandreamer. It's a Mary Engelbreit (I just happened to have the same thing as my desktop wallpaper). The fabric behind it is some I bought at a yardsale or Goodwill. I made an ironing board cover with it and loved it but I left it when I left the house. The bottom card is from Blue Jude Musings and was enclosed in an order when I purchased one of her wonderful prints. The fabric behind it is some gifted to me by Lisa Oceandreamer a few years ago.
The painting on the shelf is by me, as is the doll. I'm trying to use my stuff instead of storing it in the corners of the house! You can't really see the table but it was my grandmother's sewing machine table. I love it. She was the best grandma anyone could have. She did a lot of crafts and I wish I had paid more attention.
I've also been working on our bedroom. I moved the bed a couple of weeks ago.
Not the most beautiful bedroom ever but what ya going to do with that ugly paneling that the landlord doesn't want painted? I haven't painted the table yet, either. I no longer want a mandala on it so I'll probably just paint it a pretty solid color. My tastes have changed a lot over the past year.
I'm working on a quilt for the bed. That poor bedspread has about had it. It has holes in it but I use it anyway...for now. The table is kind of crowded. I really want to get rid of things if I don't use them but some things I love and I know that one day I will have more room to spread them out so I don't want to rush to get rid of them. Now I'm wondering why I'm showing you these. lol I look at so many beautiful blogs and they inspire me so much around the apartment. I don't quite have the touch to pull them all off, yet this is an improvement over the way things were, so here ya go. Baby steps.
The afghan is growing. I'm trying to use up all that yarn I bought three or four years ago at a church rummage sale. (plus the newer yarns, blue, green and pink...they're now gone) I swore a year or so ago that I wouldn't buy new yarn until I used them up. This baby is doing the trick. I'm down to just a few balls of yarn in a single basket. Now that the pink, green and blue are gone, the afghan is going to become a lot more random I think. lol
I also started this granny square afgan. I told you I'm using up the yarn. :)
This little stitchery is from Gail Pan Designs. Ooooh I see she just added another block! They're freebies. Isn't she sweet to offer these? I'm way behind since I just found her last week. It's supposed to be a Christmas Quilt but I'm making them in a pink/brown/green colorway and going to make a quilt for our bed. I didn't realize until I was looking around at other people's blocks that I left a stitch off. Ooopsie. Oh well, mine will be different, right? I really love her designs. Simple and sweet. I tore up a curtain I bought a while back and decided just didn't work for me in any room. I'm using the muslin part of it for the stitcheries and I'll probably scavenge some of the other fabric from it (there are actually three panels) for the rest of the quilt.
We had a great 4th. Well, after a major bitchy Lisa earlier in the morning. My neighbor decided to run a leaf blower and I sort of went berzerk. But finally I just put in some Janis Joplin until I couldn't hear it and jammed until I felt better. Then I promised my dear husband that scary Lisa was gone and our day got better. hehe He is such a patient man.
He grilled chicken and italian sausages and made deviled eggs. I made biscuits and sausage for breakfast and then some potato salad. Sunday I made shortbread cookies to warm up the apartment. In July! Can you believe it? It worked out great because I was itching to bake again anyway. If I keep this up and don't get walking, they'll need a crane to remove me from this place.
Ok. I'm making up for not being able to post yesterday when I wanted to. My mom didn't call me "windy" for nothin'. xoxox
Now back to work. Lots of campaigns to finish up for the week.
Oh and we're getting a new family member. I get to meet him tonight. My younger son, Mike, called to let me know. His name is Sir Droog (name change: now it's Zeke) and I hear he's really cute and furry. (He did ask my permission first a couple of days ago)
Have a great week!
Look forward to seeing photos of the new family member. Love your afghans. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Thanks for the link to Gail's blog! Those stitcheries are gorgeous. I am going to download a few and use them in the patchwork cushions I am planning for our lounge room. The post on her blog about Cairns was nice to read - I spent my highschool years very near there, and one of my sisters is living in Atherton at the moment :)
I like seeing you feather your nest. You have a lot of great ideas for making a romm cosy.
Love your sewing nook. May you create to your hearts content!
It is always a pleasure to see my friends' homes! I love your nook. Everything is so cozy. I a m so happy for you Froggy...I truly am! Life is good!
I love the new color of the blog. I like how you always change it up. I changed my bedroom around too, gave it a whole new vibe. Like it's a whole different room. It's the free way to decorate.
I have holes in what I use
for a bed spread in the summer.
I use a lace table cloth. I like
to be covered when it is hot but
I want air circulation to stay
cool. Works for me.
Love the embroidery!
God Bless You and Yours!!!
PS. It is Happy Chocolate Day
and Strawberry Sundae Day. Time
to give gifts and eat ice cream!
lol! I baked a dark chocolate
cake. Dd wanted one. You have
to eat ice cream with it though.
It is so richly dark chocolate
in taste. I think Strawberries
would be nice with it too. lol!
I am trying to let go of stuff.
I have a pile here and adding to
it each day.
We are getting rid of some glasses
too. Dd and I bought some from the
1960's we think.
Even getting rid of some of my
hats now that I cut my hair and
stopped the poodle look! lol! Yes
the shadow of my head use to look
like a poodle. lol!
But I was looking at a hair
net with velvet bows on it
that you wear and decided I
might make a velvet hat and
attach that lace with the
bows to it. So I might keep
My mom wouldn't call me chatty
but I am a bit sometimes. lol!
God Bless You and Yours!!!
And one more thing...
I think they need to outlaw
those leaf blowers!!!
What happened to raking?
Or why don't they have a
silent leaf vac? At least
that wouldn't blow dust
all over someones car.
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