These aren't new finds. I've picked them up at yardsales along the way over the past few years. But yesterday I decided to spruce them up. When I find new spots for them, in my new obsession with redecorating the apartment, I'll take pics.
This is a pillow case I picked up for .50c at Goodwill yesterday. I'm not sure what I'll do with it but I couldn't resist the pink/orange thing going on.
We've been discussing our need for a file cabinet for a few months now. Yesterday we found this one for a buck!
I'm going to spray paint it. I haven't decided whether I'll do black or something colorful. Since Patrick has moved his office into the kitchen (our kitchen table is his official desk now since I took over the upstairs computer) we decided to put the file in the kitchen. We're making it work. Thankfully Patrick is very neat because normally having stuff on the kitchen table would make me nuts.
These are a couple of fun little dishes. I picked the orange one and Patrick the black. We're going to use them as planters. Maybe we'll put them together for Halloween. :)
Everything above came from Goodwill, except this little votive candle holder. It came from a yardsale, still in a box, unused. I can't remember if it was $1 or $2.
I also picked up a couple of pairs of jeans and two tops.
All of this was around $22.00. Not bad.
Thrifty goodness! It's always good when you find treasures for next to nothing! I am starting to get a hankering t o decorate, but I'll have t owait til I have my own place again! Although I pretend shop at Marshall's ! ha ha!
Lots of goodies....but that file cabinet for a buck is great! Wish I could find one like it out here.
You are a great shopper. Great finds!
The perfect thing ia always available at the perfect price when you are open to it.
Love my thrift store goodies too!
Excellent thrift finds - especially the filing cabinet!
(We bought ours new from the office supply shop for $250!)
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