I did these in my Mandala Journal. I've already drawn circles on about half its pages so that when the mood strikes I can just start doodling or drawing or collaging.
The black and white one was started before I saw the prompt. It's all in pencil.
The other two were made afterI saw the prompt.
Mandalas are great for a little mental vacation. At least that is how they serve me. I get carried away and forget my responsibilities for a little while.
Now that our business is picking up and my time for art-making is more limited, I have been feeling a need to focus in on the creative activities that really feed my soul and bring me peace. I have decided that I will make time each day to meditate through SoulCollage, Mandalas, Small Spirit Dolls or working in my art journal. I will also spend my fun online time (as opposed to work-related online time lol) to those ends. I was spreading myself really thin with too many ning networks. They're just so delicious! So many creative people out there and I want to know them all! But that doesn't leave much time for actually keeping centered, balanced and connected.
I've spent some time getting more organized with the business and Patrick and I are now having actual sitdown business meetings together on Monday morning so that we know where we stand on campaigns going out and what information I need, etc. That's a big relief. I was feeling scattered there, as well.
As I was reading Michele's NewMoonJournal SoulCollage site this morning (badge on sidebar), I was really amazed at how she was describing everything I have been feeling lately. I'm very happy and at peace down deep. But all the little nit-picky things of life were really starting to feel like chaos and I have been voicing for a couple of weeks that I just feel this need to really narrow my interests and organize and focus. It was very affirming to read that that is just where I am expected to be at this moment and that I can do something about it.
I feel a load has been lifted already. Just cleaning up my blog from tons of extra ning sites and places to explore has helped me to feel more focused and less out of control. Next, I want to do more organizing of my supplies and weed out the things I don't need. Watch for giveaways. :)
I am not complaining or unhappy about the business growing. Just the opposite! This is how we envisioned it and it's a great business that we both feel proud to be a part of. But with every change and every growth, adjustments have to be made. I am happy that I have the tools to recognize when those adjustments need to be made and the tools to make them.
Now that the weather is warming up, I plan to make it a daily practice to get out and walk and meditate in the park or take my journal and color in the park. :) It is so satisfying to my soul and gives me a little time to connect firmly with Source which makes everything in my life better.
So, if things begin to look and feel a little different around here, that is why.
You are a mandala mama! I love the woman honoring her chakras. It shows such balance in a vibrant and peaceful way...what a combo.
It sounds like you are not gorging on the magnificent creative buffet. This is so easy to do! I often fall behind now on my e-mails and I've had to slow down visiting some of my favorite sites. Carving out time will make room for so much creativity. You go girl!
Thanks for playing!
{soul hugs}
Have you ever had one of the moments when you realise you have seen yourself in another?
Your post has hit an emotional cord within me.
I love mandala's, but don't draw them (I don't know why either),
I've been organizing my crafting supplies too, so I am able to make more, without utter chaos.
Streamlining my productivity by organizing.
I've also begun a routine to increase my inner energy and heal my mind/body/spirt...
Your post felt very familiar.
Inspiring and like a chat with a good mate who understand you.
Thank you!
Happy almost spring,
Bairbre Aine
Having a whole journal dedicated to mandalas is a fabulous idea - thanks for the suggestion!
Great post! I havn't done a mandala in a long time...good idea. What's a ning? Love ya..it is cccccold here and it snowed and rained and hailed and sleeted all day yesterday...
oh what a bueatful day!
Had a GREAT DAY TODAY!, WAS FEELING GOOD,FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME. I GOT TO SAT OUTSIDE AND EVEN TAKE A SHORT WALK OVER TO MY GARDEN SPOT with the children. Y'all know how addicted I am to spring garden and the Autumn days,my favorite seasons. Then had to come in for a rest and right back out again,
The sky was blue and sunshine about, black and yellow bumble bees buzzed about and the birds sung in the trees,only thing growing is dandelions but there heaven to me, just so glad to be outside. A neighbor has offered to till up my garden so MAYBE after I recover from surgery I can still get in a late garden.
The weather here is nice so we can open my bedroom window and I still get a bit of outside.
Just waiting for the 17th to have the surgery then I will be up and at it again.
I had not felt good in so long I had almost forgotten what I was missing.
it was such a great day I did not have to take any pain meds untill9:30 tonight.
Bubba fryed some green tomatoes off the vine,our first of the season.they look so lonely by them selves with only daddlions to keep them company,but soon I hope to have peas,corn ,squash ,watermelloms,pumpkins,lettes,raddis ,butterbeans,snape beans,cucumbers,strawberrys and any thing else I can put in.anyone know where I can get some celery seed, I also got to see the full moon last night,it was dreamie , hope y'all are alll have as wounderful day as I did, love to you all
What an inspirational blog. Your post gave me an idea for a 100 year old bible I restored as an altered book! I look forward to coming back here again and again. Thank you.
Love all the Mandalas but the first one is my fav. I have a moleskin journal that my YDD gave me. I went ahead and drew squares in it so when I feel like it I can draw a Zentangle without having to draw out the circle. It seems to make it so much easier to pick it up and just start drawing what I feel like. Love Hugs and Blessings
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