Saturday, December 13, 2008

Visons of Friendships Danced in My Head

Patrick and I had a perfect evening. We were invited to a Soup Supper by our new friends Caroline and Orburn. Caroline is the wonderful woman who found me online through a newsletter out of Portland, Oregon of all things. (Hi Pam!) Actually, the newsletter had something about SoulCollage in it and Caroline followed the links to the website, wishing something like that existed in Roanoke. She did a search for a facilitator and here I was, a block away. I love life.

So last night we walked, in the chilly December air, the block to their warm and inviting home. It was heaven. It's the first time, in my life, that I can remember meeting a group of people and feeling at home, liking every single person SO much. Normally in a social situation, I am longing for the end and wanting to go home but last night, I savored every moment.

Caroline made three different soups. Patrick and I both had the butternut squash with chard. It was warm and yummy. There were breads and butters and goat milk cheese, wine, cider, eggnog and tea. The conversation was as delicious as the food. We played a game (which I would ordinarily avoid with all my being) called Table Topics. It was wonderful. I didn't want to stop playing.

But, we did stop playing because it was time to ride downtown to Dickens of a Christmas. Nick was there selling his guitars. That was fun! (for us, not was c-o-l-d)

The idea was to come dressed in period clothing but Patrick and I decided to go dressed in jeans and layers of warm clothing. Caroline saw this coming and had a cape for me to wear and a not-so-period-but-alot-of-fun jingle bell elf hat for Patrick. Caroline and Orburn were decked out in their finest. They looked beautiful. There will be pictures eventually. Judy (oh Judy, where have you been all my life) was wearing a beautiful purple cape that her mother made. People wanted their pictures taken with us. That was fun. (is this really me? where did this me come from? hmm a new soulcollage card in the making?)

We strolled along, looking at the things the vendors were braving the cold to show. We darted in and out of coffeeshops, gift shops and such for warmth.

We talked about SoulCollage, Law of Attraction, comparative religion, psychic abilities, sustainable land, holistic health...heaven.

There was Sherry, who came to our Christmas gathering to bring a little (A LOT) of Jewish humor. I forgot my party manners and belly laughed at the things she had to say as we discussed the craziness of the stressed out season.

And Elizabeth, who loves France but dreams of living in Canada. She is a collage artist who makes her own paper. After she left, (we were discussing high schools) something was said that made me realize that she is the mother of one of Nick's best friends.

Caroline brought this varied group of people together with her warmth and generosity. She and Orburn can seriously make you feel that you are the center of the Universe.

I cannnot wait to visit with these kindred souls again.

The perfect end of the evening was to come home with my sweet husband, my best friend, my Patrick and recount the evening, drink a beer and then snuggle in our warm bed until we drifted into sweet sleep.

Tonight, we look forward to going to another new friend's home for dinner. Another person I met online, who is interested in SoulCollage; another kindred spirit. Debbie is a special heart friend already. We just click and it is wonderful. We look forward to meeting her husband tonight.

Tomorrow night, my sweet neighbor Justyn is kicking her boyfriend out of the apartment (he doesn't have to go far though...just over here with Patrick) and she and I are going to watch a chick flick, P.S. I Love You and eat salty chips and dip and chocolate. I am so looking forward to it.

Is this my life? Really? Thank you Universe, God, Goddess.

Make a vision board. Really. Go on. Do it. Listen to the nudges and follow them. Reach out and allow yourself to be reached.

Last year, I dreamed of this life. This year it is mine and I am in bliss.


Anonymous said...

So nice to meet you, Lisa, brought together online by the new Natural Awakenings magazine in our area. And we are pretty close too.

Your comment inspired me to make a "Collage" category on my sidebar. I have been doing collages for many years and have been greatly inspired by my son's "collage journals." I couldn't find all the entries in the last three years of blogging related to collage but I made a good start and the new category will inspire me to make and post more.

Sounds like you had a perfect evening. I'm going to link to read and visit from time to time.

Anonymous said...

You sound so happy and that makes me happy too :-). I am glad you know such wonderful people and had such a lovely time.

Natalie said...

Hi Lisa, that is soo cool about your vision board.
My Hub ( also big sweetie) and I have recently made a mind movie on our computer about the life we want to lead.
One of our plans was to have some new friends (couples) who are like-minded souls.It was exciting for me to read your post and see it in motion. Well done ! Enjoy.
Hope there are as nice people here in Australia.

Natalie said...

P.s. We went to bed last night talking about the power of manifestation and synchronicities. This morning came down to read stuff on computer and found your entry.
Btw, I am also year of the snake and have teen son named Nick.Am also interested in soul collage and been thinking of joining a group in my area. Love craft, singing ,reading, op shops and spirituality. Too funny.

Chanda said...

Very interesting. I get where you are coming from on many aspects.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful evening, Lisa!

Lisa said...

Colleen I looked at the collage journals and loved them and, in fact, was inspired to collage in one of my art journals yesterday. It felt good. Thanks so much for linking me. I've actually been a fan of yours for years.

Thanks Annie. It feels so good!

Natalie, That is the coolest thing! I love synchronicity.

Shanda, Hi! Good to see you.

Kim, we really did and another one last evening as well. I'll blog about that later.

Gina said...

Your joy is shining through! What a fun time - one of many to remember!