I finished this guy earlier in the week. I had the wood frame thingey hanging on the wall. It used to be a shrine but it got wrecked and I didn't really like it anyway to tell you the truth. So earlier this week I was sitting here at the computer and looked up and thought, "hey that would make a good embroidery frame." So, then I went through all my patterns but nothing really got me excited. So I drew a little snowman with a peace sign. In the middle of the night, I woke up and thought "peace flake" so that's what I stitched on it.
Today I finished a Christmas present. I crocheted a bath mitt. I'm going to buy some handmade soap from Etsy to go with it. I'll probably add some other things, too.
I didn't get a picture because it's been a cold, dark and rainy autumn day here in Roanoke. I didn't mind one bit! I've been puttering around the house all day, straightening and shuffling things around. It felt great.
I've also spent wayyyy too much time online but there is so much to see. Like this blog and this one and this one. Oh and this one! And of course all of those blogs took me to flickr or etsy or other blogs. Whew. This blogging business is hard work. I slaved away over the scroll key for hours on end.
I did get some work done, too. Now that I'm learning my way around the business a little better, I'm trying to be a little more creative with the updates (sort of like a newsletter) we send out. That was fun, too. Blogging over the years really has helped me. It would have taken me forever to learn all this stuff.
I'm trying to get some things made for my shop. I am determined not to buy any new fabric, yarn or floss until I get rid of more of what I have. It's really challenging working with all these mismatched bits and pieces that I've picked up at yard sales and thrift stores over the years. My tastes have changed so much since I first started learning to stitch and sew and crochet but I'm hanging in there. Then, hopefully, with sales from the shop I'll be able to buy some new things. Probably still thrift store stuff, though. lol I would love to be able to order some pretty new fabrics from etsy sellers and some of the gorgeous hand-dyed yarns.
Nick got a job this week in a cabinet-maker's shop. He can work part-time and still have time to work on his guitars. Plus, he gets great scraps! I'm really proud of him. Have I said that lately? Oh, I did? Well, I just can't help it. :)
Well, I'm going to run. Patrick and I are having some dirty rice with cajun sausages and a lovely bottle, oops I mean glass, ok I meant bottle, of wine. I'm going to work on some more crochet projects while we watch an old movie or something.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I think about you all the time. Tell me, fellow bloggers, do you find yourself narrating in your head as you're doing things? My favorite movie is "Stranger Than Fiction" and sometimes I feel just like the Will Farrell character. One of the dangers of blogging I suppose. :)
So, really, tell me. Do you do that?
Yep, I narrate. LOL! Loved the Sewing My Serenity blog. You've stitched a pretty picture too! I know what you mean about trying to use up the mismatched pieces from earlier excursions. I have tons of it....and will be focusing on doing just that, pulling it all together, very soon.
Oh that makes me feel so much better! LOL
Abou using stuff up, it's really fun to do that and it makes me feel good about doing my bit to conserve, reduce, reuse, recycle, upcycle and to help my family's budget. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your mismatched pieces. :)
Oh Froggy!!! I love it!!! Your work is always wonderful! What happens in my head is whenever I hear a word, see a word anything that jogs my memory. I think of a song or a movie and all of the words to it just pop in my head. In other words, yes... I do that too. :) I love you Froggy!!!
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