Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Patrick and Lisa's Wedding Day

Online Videos by

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Although you guys are seeing cars passing, we were completely oblivious to them. lol We were facing a lovely garden which you will see in the pics. The wind, birds and occasional cars sometimes made us difficult to hear but you can see the joy. :)

You can go here to see all the pics.

Much love to you. Thank you all for the sweet messages and cards. We felt surrounded by friends and you made it an even more wonderful day of celebration.


Flassie's Fil'a said...

Tears in my eyes as I watched.
Beautiful! Congratulations You Two!

God Bless Your Marriage and Lives
and the Lives of Your Family!!!

KaiBlue said...

Aloha Mr and Mrs Patrick..
you two make a beautiful couple..
What a wonderful gift to us you've shared here today..
Thank you!!
Peace, Kai

DMG said...

I too am all verklempt! Congratulations!!!!

Olivia said...

Congratulations. It is very sweet of you to share this special time with us. Much love to you both, O

Emma said...

Congratulations and my very best wishes for your life together.

gma said...

Wishing you a lifetime of joy and happiness.

Anonymous said...

Tears of joy and love for the two of you and your extended family as you travel together in life...

Doe Grozs Art said...

Hey, this was so cool!!! Thanks for inviting me to the wedding :-)
Soooo very special. I wish you many, many years of sweet, blissful marriage. ok, now to go look at the pictures.

Pam Aries said...

Awwww....You too are the greatest! I wish you and Patrick many years of total happiness filled with creativity, love and boundless inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Wishing the two of you, a lifetime filled with love and joy - Congratulations, Lisa and Patrick!
Blessings to you both~xoxo

GreenishLady said...

Congratulations to you both. Wishing you every happiness in your life together.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Froggy! You look so happy! How wonderful!

Monique Kleinhans said...

So many blessings to you!!! How wonderful!

JoyceAnn said...

Congrats to you and Patrick , may your lives together be ~ Blessed ~ with Peace , Love , and much Happiness.

~Blessings ~

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rosita.
Sincerely, from my heart, wish you much happiness and joy. A life full of blessings.
I am very happy for you. Truly.
With Peace and Love. Namaste -E

artbrat said...

Congratulations to both of you. What a touching ceremony to begin your marriage. The part of the hands was especially beautiful.

violette said...

Oh i am all teary eyed! This was beautiful! Congrats Lisa and Patrick. I was moved to see the way Patrick would periodically touch your face and hair with his hand......ever so gently. That's real tenderness and love.

I'm so happy for the both of you!

Love, Violette xoxo

Lisa said...

Thank you Violette! Patrick is the most loving person I've ever known. He touches me like that throughout the day EVERY day. It means so much to me. Now that we have our home business, I get to experience it even more. :)