Monday, May 19, 2008

Only You...

Only You...

Remember that no one can do what you do, the way you do.
And that what you do is needed, and wanted.
Remember that you have a unique purpose that has always lived within you.
And that it will continue to call on you, until you say YES!
Remember that saying YES will call upon you to become more than you are.
And that this is part of the bliss of life, to become the most YOU that you can.
Remember that the key is to keep going no matter what.
And that you can start and stop as many times as you need to.
Remember that unless you do this, you may always wonder “what if”
And that to try live a dream changes how we dream, even if we don’t reach it.
Remember that living a dream, is the journey, is the process, is the dream itself.
We are not waiting for a destination, but living each moment truly. As we are able.
Remember that it will sometimes seem as if forces are against you, they are not.
It is just that to get up enough speed to break through, we encounter obstacles.
Obstacles are our teachers, and actually train us for what is to come. Make friends with them.
Remember that a true vision will have a combination of you, and “them”.
It is the “them” that you work with or serve, or both, that will inform your process.
Remember that each step leads to another step. So that is why we have to step up!
It is more important than we can even know, how each flow, flows into the next.
When we move forward in our vision, an energy flows towards us at that moment.
And it opens up the next action, the next door, the next opportunity.
When we take a leap of faith, new territory opens up that we did not see before.
And we have access to information that was not previously available.
When we risk believing in ourselves, we will be amazed at the support that comes.
And we will recognize that doing this work, is what we were born to do.
When we remember that a life not lived, is not the life we want, then we choose.
And we choose powerfully not to turn back again.
We may fail. We may fall. We may even disgrace ourselves.
But what if we didn’t?
Would we be any more whole?
Only YOU can do what you are here to do.
This is your invitation from the cosmos.
So let us go out now, and live the life we were born to live.

Shiloh Sophia McCloud 2007 - Heart of the Visionary - Feel free to copy and share!

If you click on her name, you will be taken to one of her websites where you can view her paintings. I cannot describe, adequately, what I feel when I look at her paintings. They're beautiful and moving. Her spirit, THE spirit is in them...a part of them. Enjoy my dear friends.


Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I have 2 of Shiloh's prints I bought from her Mendocino gallery last year. She is amazing. The affirmation I recently painted on my studio wall is from her. I would love to attend one of her gatherings.
I love that more and more people are discovering her.

gma said...

Love your new banner...I'm off to check the website now.
Sending love to you froggy!

GreenishLady said...

Thanks for sharing such an inspiring piece of writing - and her paintings are, as you say, filled with spirit. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

just checking in!! it's been awhile since I have made my blog rounds ;)

love your new banner~ very very kool & Nina..ohhhh I looove this song~

xo!! ~Bella

KaiBlue said...

Aloha Lisa..
invitation accepted..I love the universe!!
Peace, Kai

Anonymous said...

I had a moment of affirmation this week about my own individuality!! AMAZING...and now this...I am listening with my heart!! Thank you!
Artfully Yours,

Pam Aries said...

Girlfriend! I am living THAT life right now! Wheeeee!!!!! Peace Love and Happiness!

DMG said...

This is so beautiful; thanks for sharing,

Love, Al

artbrat said...

Lisa, I read this entry a few days ago, and knew I had heard the name Shiloh Sophia Mccloud before. I even thought I knew why, but my office cupboard has been blocked in prep for piano moving. Today I finally got to it and sure enough the cool coloring book my SIL gave me is from her. Thanks for finally getting me to check out more of her work. She's amazing.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news...congrats to you! And..the artwork is amazing...I'm really vibin' on the first painting after the spirit doll, who by the way is also adorable...she's got such a compassionate and eclectic look about her.

I love to see you doing your thing!

Anonymous said...

OMG Lisa.. Shiloh you words to describe her or her's holy work for sure. Thank you for introducing me to her. I'd never heard of her until now. My appreciation for the arts grows exponentially with each day.

keep creatin'..and so will I...