If you'd like to be a part of the tele-class, here is the link to get all the info about it. It's free to Kaleidosoul members and $10.00 for non-members. The $10.00 helps Anne Marie with the cost of the link-up and everything.
I think it's going to be a lot of fun! It will be like sitting around in a coffee shop discussing how amazing the Universe is. Just a nice energizing chat.
Hope to hear you there. :)
THis sounds like fun! I wish I could join in. I';ll be on the road...hooo hoooo!
Oh, Lisa, I've never participated in one, and if I was going to, this is the one I'd love to be there for, but unfortunately, that's midnight my time, and by the time I'd recover from the high, I'd get no sleep at all, and I have work on Monday morning, sooo... I can't be there, but I will be listening to the audio later in the week. I know it will be great! Enjoy! Enjoy!
Talk to you in 30 mins ... I am very excited!!!
Lisa!!! That was great! I had a late call from my sister, and by the time we'd finished talking, it was almost time for the teleclass, so I said "I'm meant to be on that call", and I'm so glad I was. There was a lot to think about there! Well done!
Pam, you are on the road right now. I'm thinking lots of wonderful thoughts for your journey. Love you sister!
Imelda! I was so happy to hear your voice. I'm so glad that it worked out for you to call.
Kathy! Yay!
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