Good Morning! Above is a pic of Patrick just before he left for work. It's drizzling out there today. I know he would have loved to just stay in. Isn't he a cutie?
I've been up since 6am, which is not unusual, but what is unusual is that I was able to get started right in on a project and got lots of work done on it. There are pictures below.
This photo was taken from where I'm typing. It was around 6pm last night. Isn't that sky gorgeous?
Speaking of heat setting, I watched the greatest, funniest video last night. Ricë Freeman-Zachary , whose most recent book is Living The Creative Life with interviews with artists, like our beloved Violette, has some really informative videos on YouTube. She is also a riot and makes me laugh my head off. Because of her video on 3 stitches that anyone can do, I finally made a french knot today! Yay!
I'm putting her video here because we can all use good info and a good giggle.
Have an awesome day!
Wow, she's just bursting with energy isn't she? Made me laugh.
You're little dude on muslin is cute. Maybe he'll tell you his story soon...
You've been tagged on my blog if you want to play.
I love your colourful funky fella, so original!
Btw, I love your Spirit Dolls, especially "Like You Self" : )
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