Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fallen and Restored

Originally uploaded by GroggyFroggy.
RestoredI worked on these today. I started "Fallen" last night and then decided to do "Restored" later this morning. In between I've done laundry and stuff and worked on an altered board book I'm making for Tim's granddaughter's birthday. She loves faeries so I'm going to put lots of faeries in it. I finished the cover today. So far, so good. (No fairies on the cover, though).

Life is good. I'm enjoying myself creatively and otherwise.

Hope everyone is well.


Julie H said...

Wonderful! I like the way they balance each other out too.

Miss Robyn said...

here I am, here I am! you must have thought I had fallen of the planet or else been committed! but I have been really, really slack in visiting most blogs.. I am glad you were looking at my doll that I sent you as i was also looking at the angel card hanging that you sent me.. just this morning, I thought - gee, I must go visit groggy froggy... and what a rambling post this turned into - sorry :( xoox

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

These are beautiful Lisa - and I agree with Julie that they balance each other out!
AND I have a box all ready to take to the post for you but the computer issues and tech visit interrupted my trip to the Post Office. Tomorrow it will be winging its way to you!! :)

Anonymous said...

How wonderful Lisa. These are really interesting. I love the expressions on the ladies' faces. What are they painted/collaged(?) on? It looks like wood. Glad you hear you are on top form my friend. Have a great weekened. Hugs.

Melissa said...

I love, love, love 'restored' they work well together but if I were to pick one it would definitely be 'restored'

Jodi Ohl said...

I love your work, you are very talented. Sharing the blog love :)
Keep on creating!
