I crocheted two dishcloths today. I love these colors. I think my favorite yarn to use is Sugar 'n Cream. It's just simple and soft and practical.
Yesterday I crocheted a square of some fussy pink synthetic stuff. Impossible to frog (unravel) so you can fix a problem. I'm using it under a white hobnail vase. It looks festive for Valentine's Day.
This is the first year I've decorated with hearts and stuff. Just a couple of touches here and there. I like it. Today Tim asked if some pretty candies were for looking or eating. lol I said that they were for both and thanked him for asking. He said it was just self-preservation. Muahahaha.
I hope everyone is having a good week so far. Mine is quiet and that's the way I like it.
Something I've never learned is knit or crochet. It's great you can do that for home touches and adding to your art.
I bought a book of fabulous iron-on patterns for embroidery stitching on Saturday - I thought of you because I think you'd like it. It's on my blog.
Pretty yarn colors, Lisa. Tim's comment made me laugh - my husband's never sure about those things either.
Glad you had a nice quiet creative day.
The dishcloths are nice, I like the colors, too. I have some hand knitted dishcloths that were made by the elderly mother of a friend of mine and they have served me well for years and years, I hope they never wear out.
Perhaps it's my lack of skills but "I crocheted two dishcloths today" sounds very impressing to me ;-) I like the colors too!
Sounds nice! I want to decorate for Valentines day too but not too much... Perhaps something small would due :-)
Take care,
Lol at Tim's comment, he knows which side his bread is buttered on ;)...do American's use this saying?..what I mean is he knows what's good for him.
anyway, love the dishcloth colours.
These make great dish cloths...my niece made some for me and I really like them.
Really lovely colours at your dishclothes Lisa! Very pretty yarn.
Lisa, I taught myself just about this time last year, I guess...with the help of knittinghelp.com and a similar crochet site. I can't do much but it's fun to be able to make a few things.
I went and looked at your blog. So many cool things! Love that stitching book.
Tinker, thanks and lol @ laughing at Tim.
Mrs. Goodneedle, I just love mine. If these don't sell right away I might just keep them. lol
Elisabeth, hehe It does make me happy to be able to say that. I think blogging has made me think more about holidays. They used to just pass me by without much notice.
Sarah, lol we do use that term in just about the same way. Often it is used more in a financial situation here...as in Tim brings in the money so when I let him eat the chocolates, it was because I knew which side my bread was buttered on. lol It does work the other way as well. ;)
Gemma, I made some for my mom but I haven't heard whether she likes them or not. I really prefer them over store-bought ones. They're nice and scrubby.
Darcy, thanks! :) I told Tim everyone thinks he's very funny. lol
Hulda, thank you! I would still like to do a trade with you some time. I just don't know what I can make that is equal to your beautiful things.
Great colours Lisa! I love the purples, lilacs and blues!
hehe I love that he asked before trying! giggle. The dishcloth looks very soft and the colours are so nice. You have so much talent!
I knitted my dress to my scarf once..(dont ask..lol) Such fabbie colours on such a kewl little square..
hubbies are funnie, you could have a quote of the day from them each day and never run out of humour!!
Peace, Kai.
A dear family friend would make those dishcloths...I'm going to have to have her teach me how to make them.
Your dishcloths are really nice. I like the colors you've chosen.
I love to decorate for the holidays, but haven't brought out my Valentine's Day things yet. I'm running behind!
It's nice to hear that you've been having nice days.
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