We went out for a bit today. One of the nicest things about this time of year is that there are so many other folks out and about. I ran into several friends while out. It was fun.
We weren't shopping for ourselves today but we did drop into "Art on a Mission" and I got this tin. I've taken a number of pictures and can't get one that isn't blurry so this will have to do for tonight. Sorry. I just loved the little birds and the color of the trim. The lid is pretty, too.
There are a couple of shops in the mall that only come during this time of year. One is called the Crystal Cottage and my kids have bought things there for me for years. They have a lot of crystal jewelry and angels and pretty stones. I found these hair scrunchies there. I've been seeing them around and I always think they'd work great as skirts for my dolls. At 50cents a piece, I finally bought some today. I put one on the little yellow doll and I really like the results.
We didn't buy much today but the rest that we did get was for family and has been mailed away to hopefully reach the birthday girls. :)
I hope everyone had a great day. We had a good one. I took Nick downtown tonight. He's going to be the young Scrooge in Dickens of a Christmas and they're doing a run-through for the news tonight. I hope I manage to catch it if it makes it to tv. My baby's a supa-stah. hehe
I'm going to choir practice here in a bit so I'm going to go grab some food before I leave. Have a great night.
that tin is adorable - I so love the birds! Then I saw the scrunchie....you got it for .50???? We were in a gift store last Friday and they had them, I thought immediately how perfect they would be for art dolls(they had all different colors) but guess what...they were $4.99!!!! (I didn't buy them). So you got a GREAT deal!! Sounds like you had a lovely day!
I love anything with birds too, hence my header (heh heh!) Love the scrunchie skirt on your doll. *I* want a skirt like that!
You're so clever - the scrunchies do make perfect little skirts.
A "break-a-leg" wish to your son in his Scrooge role - and I hope you get to catch it on TV!
Sounds like a lovely day...love the tin. Hope you day tomorrow is great, also.
We have those scrunchies, B loves them in her hair. They'd make great dolly ballerina skirts too. I never thought of that...hmm cheap barbie clothes :)
Hope you catch your Nick on TV and had fun at choir. Catch ya later :)
Sweet you!! I love the new banner!!
Nick at Night!! :)
The bird tin is sweet and I love the little 'skirts.'
Don't ya just love finding cool bargains? Congrats to supa-star Nick...hope you caught him on tv.
you have such a wonderful imagination.
I adore the dollies.. those are wonderful.. :)
Peace, Kai
$4.99 yikes!! I guess I got an even better deal than I knew. :)
Amy lol well.....if you make one, you must put it on your blog. hehe
Thanks Tinker. He had callbacks today for Aida. He's a busy boy.
Thanks Sioux. :)
Sarah, oh yeah..that would be cute. Choir was pretty good. I do love Christmas music.
Corey, thank you!
Me. lol thanks.
Gemma, yep, I sure do love me some bargains. lol..especially pretty ones.
Kai, Thanks so much, my sweet friend.
I really love that little bird tin!
Have a great day!
The little tin with the birds on it looks very lovely, Lisa. And the doll is great too.
I love the little tin Lisa! Can see why you wanted to buy it. Can't go past a bird tin:)
And the scrunchie looks adorable on the little yellow doll.
Nick will be fabulous as a young scrooge! He obviously has acting in his blood.
Big hug from me to you sweetie pie!
Dotee xoxo
Thank you for your kind thoughts in Merryville Lisa. I appreciate them very much.
This bluebird tin is one of the prettiest that I've seen.
Nice to hear that you enjoyed your day.
oh That TIN is GORGEOUS !
What a great find !
And the colors ! wow !
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