A bit ago Tim and I were in the kitchen. I was grabbing some ice cream and he was making a sandwich. He asked me to get some jelly out of the fridge while I was standing there. I opened the refrigerator door and stood there. He said "Jelly." I started laughing hysterically and thanked him. I told him it was funny that he knew I couldn't remember what I was supposed to be getting. He said "Well, I knew you had forgotten. It had been 6 seconds already since I asked." LOL
This meno "pause" brought to you courtesy of GroggyFroggy.
LOL! I laughed when I read this!
Reminds me of last week. I popped into our local post office and had a senior moment LOL.......my neighbour was in the shop at the time and we both laughed. I left the shop and got into my car......"Hey Max, I am losing the plot!" I said to my dog in the car...............except he was at home! LOL!
This is hysterical froggy! Made me laugh out loud.
I sure can relate to forgetting what I am looking for in the fridge!!!
Oh dear Gawd!!! Are you sure you weren't talking about ME???? I do not know HOW many times a day I say....."NOW, What the heck was I looking for?" pam aries
Hey, I do this several times a day and I can't even call in a meno pause, lol!!
LOL!!!! oh what a familiar scenario! Same with walking in to a room and then stopping "Ummm, now why did I come in here?"
Giggling in Oz. I always know it is end of term when I am standing at the fridge, door open, steaming tea in hand and soy on the top shelf - trying to remember what I want.
How gorgeous that hubby helped out.
BTW I think I might be falling for your hubby ... heehe.
Ditto Amy. I often stand in the middle of the kitchen staring blankly at the cupboards...for me it's pmt to blame!
I laughed too... sounds like my house :)
Groggy froggy.........Yes I know the feeling down here in australia we call that a senior's moment and that happens to me often! lol lol :o)
psst: not that I think you are senior! :o)
The most exercise I get in a normal day is all the "retracing my steps" I do trying to remember when I was going from one room to another!
Too funny Lisa!! And yet so true for me too. My mother calls it a "senior moment", although I wouldn't like to put myself in that category...just yet!
Ahhhh menopause moments...I can so relate! Thanks for the giggle!
I know that feeling the other night, I walked up and down the stairs four times with various things in hand hoping that something would jog my memory as to why I went downstairs at all.
I do the same thing! Glad to know I'm not the only one....I was beginning to wonder if something was wrong with my brain! LOL (o;
Boy oh boy, can I ever identify with this post! Thanks for the laugh...now what did I come over to the computer for? *_*
hehehe...I can SO relate!
Take care Lisa. xox
(I've been thinking of you)
It reminded me of the time I went to get a clean platter to dish up some food, and opened the refrigerator and looked for a one for about 3 seconds before my brain kicked in and told me I was looking in the wrong place.....
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