Friday, October 20, 2006

Outta Here

My baby just left for a trip. Send out lots of safe, happy thoughts and prayers, k?


Amy said...

Just said a prayer for his safety right now :) Ah...a motorcycle on the open road, riding through the fall leaves....sounds fun. I haven't been on a bike since high school.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

ah safe travels to your baby!! Is it a long journey?

Melissa said...

A prayer what are the plans?

Kristi said...

Is that "son baby" or "hubby baby?" LOL


KaiBlue said...

aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... pangs of motherly love and angels to watch over him...
Peace, Kai.

Anonymous said...

Hope your guy has a safe, happy trip. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers his (and your) way.

Lisa said...

Thank you everyone so very much for your kind thoughts and prayers for his safety. It's Tim, by the way, not one of the kids. I guess that was a bit confusing.

He called last night to let me know he'd made it safely and that his hiney was numb. hehehehe

He has gone to a campground down South with a motorcycle club. It's the first time he's done anything like this since we've been together (almost 7 years now) and I'm so happy he finally let himself do something fun just for the heck of it.

Anonymous said...

Was just about to say my little prayer and then noticed that you said he got there OK. But then I shall pray for a safe return to the bosom of his family :o) Ahhh bet you'll miss him xx