These wonderful ATCs are from the wonderful Dotee She makes the most beautiful things and I can't tell you how excited I am to get a close up view and to be able to hold them in my little old hands. My son pointed out that I look a tad maniacal in the photo. hehe I also love the tag that she included and it had the sweetest note on the back. Dot is such a giving person and very kind.
It was very rainy and chilly here today. I decided that it called for a big crock of vegetable soup so I started it early this morning and by evening it was so yummy. Soup is always better the next day but we'll never know about this batch because it got eaten up.
I forgot that Nick had rehearsal after school today so when he wasn't waiting for me after school, I remembered but wasn't sure how long he would be staying...so I went to Books-A-Million and browsed the art and craft magazines and books. So many bloggers have books. It's amazing. I thorougly enjoyed looking and was very inspired. I love that you can look at things like that and get your own completely different ideas. It just takes a spark. I finally called Nick's cell phone from the bookstore and found that he'd be a couple more hours, so I drove home and got some sewing done, which was lots of fun. Maybe I'll have something to show tomorrow...a new idea. :)
Maybe, I say, because tomorrow is date day and I also have two articles to edit for the magazine and turn in tomorrow. They were in my mailbox tonight when I checked.
I wrote two articles this morning and submitted them and one sold right away. That was a great way to start my day. I'm so happy to finally be in the mood to write again. I should write whether I'm in the mood or not but I don't usually unless I absolutely have to.
Thanks again Dot! You made this gal very happy.
Nite everyone.
Isn't it fun to get stuff from friends you've never met face to face in the mail...I love it.
Isn't it great to be in the mood to do what you do!!
And isn't it fun to make a great meal...
life is good, I think...
Hugs, ME
What a lovely surprise to see your gorgeous face holding my little ATC's Lisa! I do feel speial to be mentioned on your blog. Am SO glad you like them. It was such a pleasure to send them to you.
Thanks for the lovely things you said about me too (big hugs).
Sounds like you had a good day. Well done on getting one of your articles sold. Yay for you!!
It made my day to see little ole' me mentioned on your blog. What a sweetheart you are.
Dotee xoxo
It`s always nice & exciting when you get something like that in the mail :-)
Sounds nice to be in the mood for writing ;-) I`ve catched a cold and I`m not feeling that great, which is bad news since I have to study for an exam & write an essay - but I hope that I`ll be in the mood as soon as I`ve taken a long hot shower and made myself a cup of tea.
By the way, you don`t look like a maniac ;-)
Me, life is good, you're right!
Dot :) :) :)
Elisabeth, thanks. lol I hope you feel better and get over your cold very quickly. That's no fun at all.
oh I adore seeing you up close and personal...art from another dear and fabulous woman in your hands...the art, the giver and of COURSE the receiver - BEAUTFIUL!
oooh what were you sewing??
Hi Lisa! Long time no see. I love our Books-A-Million.
And it was so nice of your friend to send the ATC's.
The ATC's are nice. What a nice gift to receive. Congrats on selling your article.
Lisa. :) Wellllll, I hope to have a pic in a bit. I'm not completely thrilled with it but I think the next one will be pretty neat. lol
Kristi, good to see ya. I really like Books-a-million, too.
Barb, thanks a bunch. :)
I love getting to see you - and I love your expression! You look very cool, calm and collected to me - not maniacal at all. LOL - I felt like waving back to you and making funny faces from this side of the screen, to try to make you crack up.
*_* Hi, Lisa!! @_@
The ATC's look cool, too.
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