I bet you're wondering who this is. Her name is Marjory Bankson. You can read more about her at http://www.faithatwork.com/CallToTheSoul/index.html.
I'm writing about her because I am excited that she is coming to the church I attend next Sunday to hold a 3 hour workshop right after church. This particular workshop will be on Seasons of Friendship (I think that's the correct name). I would love to do her workshop on the Call To The Soul. I am excited, though, to be doing the friendship workshop. Through blogging I have come to understand the importance of having women in my life. I have come to love so many who read and comment here at GroggyFroggy and that has taught me the value of such friendships.
I usually don't do these "touchy feely" things...and part of me keeps thinking, "are you kidding me? you volunteered to go to a women's workshop"? But then I think about you dear women who add immeasurable value to my life and I think..."Heck yeah!"
I appreciate your supportive comments after my rather lengthy and self-disclosing post yesterday. It was a little scary putting it out there, but as usual, you all put me at ease and assured me I had done well to trust you. Thanks to all of you.
Keep that "Heck yeah!" feeling! ;-) I`m sure you`ll have a great time & I look forward to hearing all about in!
I think it`s amazing how many wonderful women who`s reading & writing blogs! Isn`t it fantastic?
I believe the connections we make through this medium are like fine silk threads....we weave together in to a giant blanket that covers us in comfort.
Oh, Lisa.. it is really sad to read about your father, and your childhood. I've been thinking about you.
Froggyhead...Must admit that I've told alot here in bloggerland that I don't share with co-workers,
only dear friends. & I know they wouldn't be interested in seeing every little bit of my art..."Hey you want to see what I made?" NOT!However I think that Women are for the most part very supportive.
Enjoy your time with them. It's all about learning, growing,and healing.
:-)sending love
Im not a *churchy person**, just a spiritual one.. but I took time to read the blog and it's very enlightening.. ty for sharing,
Peace, Kai.
Lisa Froggy..! I just read your post from yesterday. My father was the SAME way! I felt I was reading my own life. Because , I believe, all of us who have connected via Violette's are intertwined somehow. So many of the shared feelings and events in all our lives are incredibly similar and WE are all on the same path. Even if we differ in spiritual beliefs! I am constantly amazed when I read posts, comments,etc. and I am thinking...Oh gosh that is me! That's how I feel, and/or that's exactly what I was going to say! Downright Uncanny at times!
VintageWine, It IS fantastic!
Lisa, Beautiful image!
Hulda, thank you for thinking of me. I should do a post sometimes on how awesome my mom is. She provided the balance..as did her parents. They were wonderful. :)
Gemma, I absolutely hear ya!
Kai,I'm glad you read it and found something positive to take away from it. "Churchy" makes me shiver. lol I feel so fortunate to have found the church I'm in or I would probably not go.
Pam, it is scary sometimes. As much as I would rather noone else had a dad like mine, I'm comforted in being completely understood because others have. I still think it's weird how we're drawn together...but I sure won't knock it! :)
what fun you will have! go with an open mind and take from it what you need. I am sure you will give alot xoxo
yes, we are all so similar it is spooky.
If she came to my area I would definitely go. You're right about blog chums, so supportive and kind.
Robyn, aren't we so similar??? I love it.
Plainandsimple I'll try to take notes and tell ya all about it.
Mz. Froghead, I just read your last two posts. I relate becuz "been there, done that", only it was not my dear sweet dad, but rather an abusive, alcoholic ex. I can see you are growing and growing. Girl, you ROCK!!!
I went to Flickr and checked out your art. It's awesome!
Judie, thank you! You are pretty awesome your own self. :) I'm sorry to hear you went through those things. Thank heavens you aren't now!
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