Monday, February 20, 2012

A Little Catching Up

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted! I'm so tired by the end of the school day and then Mike, Kasey and Jace are here most weekends, which is wonderful! Doesn't leave a lot of time for blogging, though. I'm off today. It's so great to have a three-day weekend! Lots is going on. I'm going to Raleigh in the summer to get my Montessori AMS training! Whoohooo! Very excited, scared, resistant...but again, excited, about that. I feel it's the right move. Teaching is going well. I'm learning so much. We've recently had some new ladies come in and they're just awesome. It feels like a real team effort for the children and I love it.

                             I've been doing a little crafting. I crocheted these little pink hearts.
                     And added them to construction paper. I gave them to my class as Valentines.
I've been doing some chalk drawings. I guess I need to get pics since I can't seem to find the ones I want on my computer.

                                      This is how it looks out our kitchen window this morning.
I'll try to blog sooner next time and hopefully have lots of fun crafty things to share.


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    It looks like a postcard out your window. How much snow did you end up getting?

  2. How sweet those pink hearts look on the cards. Nothing better than a homemade card.
    Isn't the snow beautiful? I am so happy we finally got a good dose of Winter snow.
    ♥ audrey

  3. Ninnie, I heard it was about 6 inches!

    Audrey, I am glad, too! I'm ready for Spring now. :)

  4. Oh my, beautiful snow scene. Nice to see you back posting. Missed ya! xo

  5. just loving your tiny pink hearts!! gorgeous!

  6. Thanks Judie and Winterwood!

  7. Hi Lisa: I have given you The Versatile Blogger award because you regularly share an interesting mixture of posts about art, craft and family. Visit my blog, , for details and to get your banner. If you have problems let me know and I'll email the banner as an attachment. Congrats and see you around.


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