Thursday, December 22, 2011

SoulCollage, Ritual and the Winter Solstice

Happy Solstice!

I created a new SoulCollage card last night. It came together very quickly.

This morning I lit a candle, quieted my mind and did a little I am the One who...

I am the One who...

is wearing a dragonfly skirt.
is practical.
is reading.
wants to have it together.
is understated.
is drawn by ritual.
is repelled by ignorance.
wears the no-nonsense dress that is covered in bold symbolism and in chartreuse, no less.
reads and reads.
wants to understand the meaning; the real meaning. Not the sentiment. Not the superstition.
sometimes wishes I could abandon the logic and throw myself into the ritual.
finds SoulCollage a joy because I don't have to abandon reason to enjoy the ritual.

What do you have to tell me?

I want you to know that it's ok to walk in your perceived two worlds.
It's ok to be logical. It's ok to think.
It's good to be skeptical.
It's also ok to desire connection with something bigger.
It's ok to enjoy rituals based on the old ways.
It's ok to celebrate the cycles of nature and of the universe.
It's ok to love the mystery.
It's ok to be sentimental.

Keep studying. Learn. Enjoy. Relax. Love. Be.

Now I am waiting to watch the sunrise.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Lovely words. Happy Solstice!

  3. Beautiful post for a special evening/night.

  4. Brings back memories of the class last summer Lisa~"I am the one who appreciates the care in which you gave my students."

    Have a wonderful Christmas and I'll be back to catch your blog in 2012!


  5. Thank you, Lifesouljourneys. Happy Solstice!

    Winterwood, thank you. ♥

    Cheryl, that was such a lovely time for me. Thank you. Happy Solstice. See you next year!

  6. i am so blessed to be reading these words right now...they resonate deeply. love the card!

  7. Lovely car, beautiful words! Happy Solstice, Lisa.

  8. That makes me very happy, Stacy! I love it when that happens. :)

    Danni, thank you so much! Happy Solstice!

  9. Ooops...Patrick signed in to google since I was here a bit ago. hehe

  10. beautiful heartfelt post, lisa. and inspirational. i was just looking at the soul collage cards i did with you. that's been a while, maybe it's time to make some more. love the wisdom you received. xo

  11. This is a good soul collage and I can agree with most of it, although I am not repelled by ignorance, but rather it depends on the type of ignorance and if it is a chosen ignorance. Chosen there is no excuse for. Keep doing soul collage Lisa. They are a good thing! I was thinking of you just this morning. That little doll you made hangs on a lampshade in my bedroom and keeps the room happy. xoxo

  12. This is a great post. We are still learning things about ourselves.
    I enjoy the process of ritual as well. Soul collage is amazing.

  13. Tricia, so glad you'll be making more. I don't know what takes me so long.

    Judie, I agree about chosen ignorance and that is really what I'm talking about. I have no judgment about true ignorance but when people choose to be ignorant because they don't feel like studying, etc and then just choose a guru to follow, well...I can't say I have any respect for that. I'm so happy that the doll brings you joy. I couldn't ask for more!

    Gemma, always learning for sure!

  14. Beautiful Lisa! Happy New Year! May your life always be filled with blessings!


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